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Brazilians Polish in WW2

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    I contact now for the Association of Veterans and it was informed me that the both uniforms donated for me are in this image:

    I am providing the files of both veterans to place here.

    Reaffirming: both uniforms are 100% originals and they had never passed for dealers or military collectors.

    Best regards,



      Originally posted by GregK View Post
      Hi Ricardo,

      As I said in my original post the BD is a GOOD 1st Armoured Div. uniform but that Monte Cassino ribbon has no place on that uniform. That's not to say that he didn't put it there but it's quite likely that he never earned it. That's point is especially true due to the abscence of the Italy Star. In all likelyhood he put the ribbon there post war. For what reason I can't say (but I have a theory). If you have his name I can check the rolls to see if he was ever awarded the Monte Cassino Cross and get back to you.

      Just as an FYI the two blue ribbons with stars on the top are wound "badges" showing that he was wounded twice.

      THAN YOU Greg!!

      My english is BAD and I made a mistake in its reply.

      Best regards,



        Originally posted by GregK View Post
        Just as an FYI the two blue ribbons with stars on the top are wound "badges" showing that he was wounded twice.
        The ribbons of medals:

        Cross of Valour 1920 - 1944
        Army Active Service WW II Exile
        Monte Cassino Cross
        France and Germany Star
        1939-45 Star
        Gold Cross of Merit

        Best regards,



          Hi All,

          The uniform have a badge mark well here:

          Please, some idea?


          Best regards,



            i have a good feeling on this polish bd, note that some of the polish serving in the second polish army where transfered to the 1st polish armoured division,
            so its not impossible to find a tunic of a bd, with sign ore medal medalbars from italie on them.
            keep also in mind that the polish did wear their uniforms not acording due rules of the army,they love to rebuild their uniforms for a more fancy and elegant look,
            now on this tunic i would say ok
            i am talking about patches and insignia those are ok for me,as for the medal bar,i see there is a underlay,where the ribbons are mounted on , thats seems orignal mounted to,then for the medalribbons.
            i am very carefull with this ,but bases up what i see, there is missing one on top row,i think.

            al by all nice tunic,any tag ore maker inside the tunic
            mine is maked even in belgium in 1945


              the lanyard is belgian to,and was given by the belgian gouverment ,dont shoot me if i am wrong, the lanyard is the belgian firecross if i am correct
              gonna take a look in some books here but i have a good feeling about this one
              nice find


                Originally posted by pak 75 View Post
                the lanyard is belgian to,and was given by the belgian gouverment ,dont shoot me if i am wrong, the lanyard is the belgian firecross if i am correct
                gonna take a look in some books here but i have a good feeling about this one
                nice find

                Thank you so much!!

                The uniform tag is 1945 dated and have many marks inside the jacket. I will take off some images today.

                Best regards,



                  Originally posted by pak 75 View Post
                  the lanyard is belgian to,and was given by the belgian gouverment ,dont shoot me if i am wrong, the lanyard is the belgian firecross if i am correct
                  gonna take a look in some books here but i have a good feeling about this one
                  nice find
                  There is also one more mistake on the BD he has the wrong lanyard on. The lanyard on the uniform is for the 9 rifles battalion but the uniform collar flashes indicate Podhalanian rifles battalion. It is possible that he was in both but he should have the proper one on the BD.

                  So far looking at the uniform we have a vet that was at Monte Cassino during the battle, he was also with the first division where he fought with 2 battalions in the 1<sup>st</sup> armored division. This is vary unlikely.


                    Posted in Internacional Forum:

                    Originally posted by Mooyman View Post
                    Ok ... many problems of a uniform that came direct from a real true Polish Veteran, imagine the anothers ones that are from dealers and anothers collectors.

                    Thanks for collaborations and opinions about my BD jacket.




                      hello i did a quik research in one of my books here on the bat. strz . podhale
                      the rol of honour of battle is:
                      batalion hunters of podahle /commander K.Complak
                      ST.silvain 9.8.1944: France
                      Jort 15.8.1944:france
                      maczuga-wzgorze 19-22.8.1944:france
                      Abbeville 2-3.8.1944:france
                      Ypres 6.9.1944:belgium
                      kanal Gandawa-Brugge 10.9.1944:belgium
                      Stekene 19.9.1944:belgium
                      kanal Axel-hulst 18.9.1944:belgium/holland
                      Rykevorsel-wolfsputten 29.9.1944belgium/holland
                      zondereigen 1-2.10.1944:holland
                      alphensedijk 27.10.1944:holland
                      breda 29.10.1944:holland

                      acording to my books the 10 podhale unit,where fighting together with 9 bat.strz better nown as 9 infantry jagers of vlaanderen (hunters from flanders)
                      so this make sence to me as this two groups saw action with the liberation of IEPER in Belgium 1944 the jager from vlaanderen where given this title for the liberation,and where given the lanyard of the firecross ,so i think it makes cense that this lanyard is hanging on his tunic.
                      this unit fell under the the 3 infantry brigade
                      headquarters of the brigade :colonel F Skibinski
                      lieutenant-colonel W.dec
                      batalion of hunter of phodale: lieutenant-colonel K.complak
                      nickname (the bloody shirts)

                      8th batalion hunters:lieutenant-colonel A. nawoczynski

                      9th batalion hunters:lieutenant -colonel Dr.Z. szydlowski
                      nickname( hunters of flanders)
                      jagers van vlaanderen

                      independant mg compagny.: majoor m.kochanowski

                      this is the whole role of honour with commanders
                      according is the lanyard the firecross and was given postum by our prins -regent (Prins Karel)

                      so what do you hae is a nice piece of history ,like i said i wisch i would have it
                      but i am happy its in good hands , i hope!!!

                      dont you have any pics from this man.i mean snapshots of battle, in belgium of liberation, i trying to gett as mutch stuff of the poles if i can find,as they liberated my hometown Ruiselede and the city where i live now Tielt
                      as gess you could say
                      Non omnis moriar!!!

                      cheers pak 75
                      ps if you wanna now something more i am happy to dig out the info that i have


                        Hi Pak,

                        GREAT informations my Friend!!! Thank you so much!!

                        I this week the former consul of Poland will visit the Brazilian Army Museum and both uniforms will be made use in a special display.

                        PS. I noticed that all ribbons is sewn in one cloth that possesss devices for setting in the uniform. It will be that these had not been placed upside-down?

                        Thanks againg!

                        Best regards from Brazil,



                          thanks for your kind words,yess this could be a option that you would have in mind,well these ribbons,where placed by a compagnietailor
                          ore just a tailor in some town,so its not uncomen that a tailor has missed, i gess i will make some pics again from the polis uniforms that i have , lol
                          i have some, but only 3 first armoured division,
                          1 supplytroops: these where in my home town ruiselede
                          210 mounted horse regiment :liberation Aalter
                          3 1 service dress 1 armoured division
                          4 1 service dress polish airforce, serving here in Gent
                          the others that i have are from italie, i still looking for these kind of uniform and helmets, but its hard and i have in belgium many fellow collectors who look for these,

                          but now a bit more info on the podhale division

                          the unit number is 61 that is painted on verhicles
                          the unit insignia is somekind of a maltese cross with a edelweis,
                          and letters b s p
                          its hard to translate, but i gess i will have a look again for to work with that imagesack to show you
                          and my info comes out of some kind of bok that is in polish and was given out in 1947,polish is hard because none of the words are in our language, its just like russian,to me but with a little help from the net i can translate some

                          i would love to have some visitors here from poland you are lucky,to have that honnour,i have only had once the honnour to shake the hand of a polish soldier who fought here and still lives here in belgium
                          its a bit of a shame ,that these good people where nowhere welcome after the war, they where not welcome in poland because of stalin ,they have worked together with the anglo -american forces, and where consider as spies by the communists!! in belgium its the same deal

                          those who would make a new live in belgium,and where given the belgian nationalety, where not considerd as a belgian veteran, and by so they have no right on a yearly donation like the belgium army veterans, but after 60 jears they have one, and finaly gett the honour to have as a belgian army soldier in the war, but then these donation was TAKEN AWAY AGAIN , but with some mayor's of the towns here that where liberated,whe did make a petition and have some protest to the belgian gouverment, and finaly

                          the polish soldiers have now been restored in honour and where given back there dotation
                          i gess after al those years justice have served right now

                          pak 75


                            Hi Folks,

                            More images of Brazilians/Poles Veterans:

                            In the right is Marjan Zuba, veteran of 10ยบ Regiment of Mounted Shooters of the I Armored Polish Division Polish.

                            In the left is Brazilian Lt-Col Tadeusz Cerski (son of Poles) and WW2 Italy Front Veteran.


                              Brazilians-Poles Volunteers in the Rio de Janeiro City


                                Group of Brazilians-Poles integrated in the Polish Army in the Exile - Scoland 1943:


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