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SS sleeve Eagle good or bad

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    Dude, what is your deal??

    A) These are without doubt original eagles - go read the Thread I posted. Dave Delich's word is law in the SS insignia community (as is Bob Hritz's - who did say it was original as well).

    B) If Giel is selling them for $160 I am going to buy a few. It is an original wartime production Waffen-SS eagle. That's good enough for me.

    C) "You can go ahead and believe they are real". You must have vast expertise and know something we all don't if you are implying these are not original.

    D) With respect to comments from some about these being "boring", what is it supposed to do - bring you your slippers or fetch you a beer?

    Originally posted by STLMatt View Post
    160 is the price they were offered at. And yes the sheet would be more valuable if it were all intact.
    The same way as 3 sleeve Eagles on the same roll, cost more than 3 separate Eagles cut from the same roll.
    You can go ahead and believe they are real. That's fine, I'm not trying to talk you into anything.
    I'll save my money.


      I would very much like to jump in here and give my 2 cents worth. These are MY Eagles I bought the sheet that many of you saw at the SOS. Yes this is a sheet of 144 original Dachau Sleeve Eagles. I am cutting them up as I do not have 30K to spend to frame them on my wall. I will be keeping a large section for myself but the others will be sold as singles or in groups of however many collectors might want. Would I love to keep them all together? Sure but let’s be realistic. The main reason I want to jump in is Mister STLMatt. He has made several comments here that show these birds in a less than desirable light. I want to say that these are 100% original and I think most of you already know this. I don’t want the comments of a 30 day member to sway anyone’s opinion. Yes I offered him 50 eagles at $160 each because of the quantity (Individually they were more expensive). I purchased 144 and the thought of getting some money back was great. Please keep in mind this was a very generous offer! He was one of my customers on World War Relics .com and had asked me my best price for 50 birds. Not to make this real personal his biggest problem with the sheet was that he had never seen 144 eagles before and why didn’t they come on a roll?? He also commented that no one liked them because they did not have RZM tags. I could go on with the comments but I feel I have made my point. Here is an individual that simply does not have a clue making comments that affect the integrity of what are otherwise known to be original war time produced eagles. For the record they are 100% original and they are for sale at a very nice price! Please PM me if I can interest you in any. Thanks very much!!


        30 day member, or lifetime member, doesn't matter.
        No one has ever seen 144 Eagles on a sheet.
        Think what you will.
        Just do your research before you buy anything.
        I can prove thru senior members that yes, they might be "real" , but no one has ever. EVER seen a sheet with 144.
        Smaller amounts, yes, but not 144.
        Buyer beware, and always do your homework before buying anything.
        And to cut a row of Eagles in half, is not only asinine, but something that the Third Reich, would not do.
        Make your own conclusions


          Well thanks Chris for airing all of that.
          But enough of yer dribble, let's get to it shall we???
          First off, new member, or senior member, it doesn't really matter.
          On this forum, everyone has an opinion. That's what a forum is for.
          I could go on and post comments from several members on here, that agree that they are "called" late was examples, but not a lot of people care for them, as they are just sloppy looking, and no one seems to want them in their collection, or spend even the 160 each.
          Secondly, let's get down to your math.
          You just posted you paid $30k for the sheet.
          Do the math---30,000 divided by 144 Eagles comes to $208 for each eagle.
          You offered them to me at $160 each. That's a $48 loss on each eagle.
          are we really supposed to believe you???
          Sheets with just 3 Eagles on a ROLL, consecutively sell for over a Grand.
          Imagine what 144 would cost, on the same sheet, if they were "real"!
          Again, this is a forum of opinions, and everyone has one.
          I put in my 2 cents worth, and you can read all of the backlash.
          So again, it is my opinion that something is not right about this whole deal.
          And it just goes to show everyone that they need to do their homework before buying anything.


            Originally posted by STLMatt View Post
            30 day member, or lifetime member, doesn't matter.
            Quite true.

            Originally posted by STLMatt View Post
            No one has ever seen 144 Eagles on a sheet.
            These sheets are well documented, some sheets were damp and as they dried out they caused the eagles to distort ... these ''Shrugging Eagles' appear on a great many stripped and re-badged tunics because they were 1/2 the price of a nice mid-war design.

            They are the least aesthetically pleasing pattern and so common many collectors don't bother with them but say what you will they ARE original.

            Cheers, Ian.


              Good enough for me
              Still don't want any, even if they were $50 each


                Originally posted by STLMatt View Post
                Still don't want any, even if they were $50 each
                Nope, me neither ... even back when I collected SS insignia and they WERE £30 each.



                  I personally don't understand why you guys dislike these eagles so much? Obviously everything in this hobby when it comes to individual preference is personal opinion, but I have compared the pics of these to some of the other "preferred" eagles posted on WAF and on websites and think they look great (especially that sharp angular beak). Again - personal opinion.

                  STLMatt - I think we may have been cross communicating. The cutting through of the eagles I was referring to I believe was done by the U.S. GIs that had their hands on these. I agree with you 100% that the Germans probably would not have wasted 4 eagles like that. GIs on the other hand would give little consideration to ripping the thing to shreds in the process of separating something for distribution among their buddies (trust me, I've seen it and it's not pretty)

                  Regarding RZM tags - I have never seen an RZM tag on this or any "other ranks" embroidered eagle. Bevo eagles (tropical and/or silver-grey), absolutely - not the rule, but commonly encountered.

                  I am glad Chris Weiser came on here as I now know where to buy a few. I'm not sure how the math part got all messed up, but what I do know is that Giel had $25K on the sheet at the show. I doubt Chris got into them for anymore than that so if I can buy a block of four at $160 each, I'm in and a PM has been sent.



                    Originally posted by Waffenreich View Post
                    I personally don't understand why you guys dislike these eagles so much? Obviously everything in this hobby when it comes to individual preference is personal opinion
                    Quite correct, you're perfectly entitled to you opinion ... no matter how wrong it is



                      Quite a bit of insignia and uniform items were poorly made or executed during the war, and I own one of these eagles. From 1st pattern to hammerheads to these, they tell a collective story and are neat in their own right.

                      My SS M44 is made so poorly it is an embarrassment to an industry formerly made up of craftsman, but I'm not dumping it because it looks like a junky teen jacket. Cardboard belts and holsters? Rifles with nasty screwed down hunks of steel for sights? Printed (blurry) insignia across the board?

                      These eagles are not the most aesthetically pleasing, but I do like the "end of the line" aspect to their construction and they are original. For 160.00, they are sure worth it!

                      regards, Robert


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