Originally posted by DR DOLCH
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Adam Adler was listed in both the 1936 and 1937 DAlL, but had not received the TK Ring.
Kurt Adler was listed in both the 1936 and 1937 DALs as possessing the TK Ring, so he is eliminated as Adler of this ring.
Bendix Adler, SS #11001, dob 7.6.11, is listed as not having received the TK Ring in the 1936 DAL, but possessing the ring in the 1937 DAL. The 1937 DAL was published December 1, 1937. I would surmise, the Alder on the ring refers to this member of the 4.Sta. and NSDAP member 282 732. He is listed in the '37 DAL as Untersturmfuhrer as of 13.9.36.
You're welcome.