For some time, I had admired this cap, in a friend's collection. Once he saw photos of my Italian camo tunic, I received this cap, in the mail.
I know many younger and more aggressive collectors would not understand this, but my friend though it would be needed, in my collection, and felt I should have it. I had gotten him many items, in the past, and I guess he just knows how to say "Thank You" in a way that warms the heart.
The cap is made from Italian camo, and the M1/52 aluminum skull has been on it forever. Sadly, one prong was damaged, in shipping, but I can live with that.
Bob Hritz
I know many younger and more aggressive collectors would not understand this, but my friend though it would be needed, in my collection, and felt I should have it. I had gotten him many items, in the past, and I guess he just knows how to say "Thank You" in a way that warms the heart.
The cap is made from Italian camo, and the M1/52 aluminum skull has been on it forever. Sadly, one prong was damaged, in shipping, but I can live with that.
Bob Hritz