Looks like the remnants of a liner pocket from when it was in another tunic. Was this made in 43-44 when there were extensive material shortages and this high ranking officer needed to reline his tunic using a liner from another type of tunic? Its dated 42 so Im puzzled...or am I groping again.
I dont know...but its highly suspect IMO unless it has vet provence I would be very afraid to pay alot of money.
But then again Im the guy who doesnt know anything and buys really bad tunics that are completely refurbished in an incorrect manner according to other opinions...this one of coarse is offered as "texbook" and people should be drooling to look at it. Im sorry but Im being sarcastic as usual. There is reason to always be on guard in this hobby..sadly.
I would not be surprised if the owner of this is PMing the moderators frantically to have the pictures removed immediately and there is a good chance they will be so get an eyeful.
Obviously, the lining did not belong to this wrapper initially. I don't know if it is common, never seen something like this on the factory-made uniforms.
Can you show these details?