I like the eagle more than the tab. Runes don't look centered top to bottom and don't appear to be symmetrical, though it could be the angle. Eagle looks promising but it would be easier to get a good look without the flash - pretty flashy in this light.
The Runes May be real but if they are the unterlagen was broken and each rune was separately woven.
I ‘ll be honest the eagle looks as though it could be ok. But my gut says no because it is an oddball. A lot of oddballs woven in that style in the 60’s and 70’s but this one looks very well done.
I have to say the eagle is a period eagle but probably foreign made. I don’t like the angle of the runes they are not something I would buy for my collection. It’s possible but not standard and neither are what meet the criteria for unquestionably original .
I’m sure many will regard both as fake.
Slight reboot...I do agree with Johnny P...the eagle has a good chance of being period, foreign made. Runic tabs can all be a little different. I don't like overall appearance, angle and production. When on the tunic, looking at it from a distance, it just doesn't pop !! I love to look at some items about 6' or 10' distance. Many times it will hit you quick.