K.Anderson/Oakleave has this one for sale.
Even though its not explained in the dealer description, it clearly is a bit of a hybrid...not a regular channel jacket!
This "flight jacket" appears to have started life as a Kriegsmarine Tropical tunic, and significantly altered.
Entire front panels have been replaced as there are no signs of removed chest pockets, its been shortened
but the clues of its KM origins still clearly visible:
- tunic measurement stamps below RBNr
- KM style under armpit ventilation holes
- French cuffs (not the norm on a real FL Luftwaffe flight jacket
- Tunic backpanel assembly with center seam still visible
- KM style partial shoulder area lining still intact!
Interesting conversion, but when was it done?
Full description here:
117SO1 - Luftwaffe JG27 tropical flight jacket named to Oblt. Egon Rall and mesh flight helmet marked with JG27.
Even though its not explained in the dealer description, it clearly is a bit of a hybrid...not a regular channel jacket!
This "flight jacket" appears to have started life as a Kriegsmarine Tropical tunic, and significantly altered.
Entire front panels have been replaced as there are no signs of removed chest pockets, its been shortened
but the clues of its KM origins still clearly visible:
- tunic measurement stamps below RBNr
- KM style under armpit ventilation holes
- French cuffs (not the norm on a real FL Luftwaffe flight jacket
- Tunic backpanel assembly with center seam still visible
- KM style partial shoulder area lining still intact!
Interesting conversion, but when was it done?
Full description here:
117SO1 - Luftwaffe JG27 tropical flight jacket named to Oblt. Egon Rall and mesh flight helmet marked with JG27.