Hi: Au revoir:,
After a very long absence (: Ennuyé I come to present you my last acquisition. It is about a box has personal effects of the kriegsmarine. These boxes were appreciated by the submariners for their small size. They put it personal objects (documents, knives and forks(ranges) etc.). These boxes are not easy to find especially in this state. The originality of this one is that it would have belonged to a submariner. I let you see the photos which will be more explicit : RÉ:
The iron rounding to padlock the box unfortunately was to saw. Why? We can imagine everything (a thief, died of the soldier etc.).
Box found to Lorient on the base of submarine. However I am not sure that the writing Lorient is original.
After a very long absence (: Ennuyé I come to present you my last acquisition. It is about a box has personal effects of the kriegsmarine. These boxes were appreciated by the submariners for their small size. They put it personal objects (documents, knives and forks(ranges) etc.). These boxes are not easy to find especially in this state. The originality of this one is that it would have belonged to a submariner. I let you see the photos which will be more explicit : RÉ:
The iron rounding to padlock the box unfortunately was to saw. Why? We can imagine everything (a thief, died of the soldier etc.).
Box found to Lorient on the base of submarine. However I am not sure that the writing Lorient is original.