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Kriegsmarine/Reichsmarine/Imperial/Bundesmarine Cap Tallies

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    There are many imperial tally collectors out there. They are just not represented in this particular forum. There are also not many people who appreciate the naval Muetzenbander collecting. There is a small group that appreciate this, which is a good thing as you can pick up some pieces and not break the bank. However, some tallies are quite rare and expensive if you can even find them.

    There was a member who posted a beautiful collection of German Warships that participated in the Battle of Jutland and this was displayed magnificently, it might be in the pinned thread for Imperial/RM/KM tallies.

    There are many different themes and ways that members display these pieces, several display with a medium to large photo. One member has a beautiful painting of the Scharnhorst and Gniesenau and has a tally below.
    Others opt because of room and limited wall space (possibly) with having a sort of mounted list of the various tallies, having them grouped like the Torpedoboot all together, then the U-boats flottille/tender.

    The advantage of collecting the Kriegsmarine, is of course the limited window that made it for ships to have tallies. So, you could collect the larger surface fleet and have only say 22 destroyers, 6 light cruisers, three heavy cruisers, three Panzerschiff, etc...

    However, the destroyers are hard to complete. I am only 2 tallies away from completing my destroyer tally collection: Anton Schmitt and the Erich Koellner.

    Uboat flottilles are popping up more frequently, but the rarer ones like the Emsmann, Lohs, and Wegener are rare.

    Your collection is coming along and it truly is a wonderful specialized area to focus.

    Best Regards,


      Originally posted by R.R. View Post
      There is no one collecting imperial tallies? Why?

      My main preference is the KM periode, but I'd like too to see some imperials ones with nice postcard pictures.

      Best Regards,

      I don’t want to interrupt/disturb this threat, but ok guys, I’ll drop my pants.
      Actually, I’m focusing on Imperial German cap tallies.
      I am happy about a small collection of approx. 240 tallies, incl. some common ones, and some scarcer ones. As there are too many tallies to collect, I changed my focus from Kriegsmarine to Imperial Navy.
      Some impression attached. If there is somebody out there with a positive resonance, I’ll may show some tallies in a separate threat. But I guess, most of the collectors are interested in the Kriegsmarine tallies…
      BR, Chris

      Edit: due to the restructure of this Forum, I'm not (yet) able to attach any pictures. Will do it later, once this issue is clarified. Sorry


        Originally posted by Gensui View Post
        I don’t want to interrupt/disturb this threat, but ok guys, I’ll drop my pants.
        Actually, I’m focusing on Imperial German cap tallies.
        I am happy about a small collection of approx. 240 tallies, incl. some common ones, and some scarcer ones. As there are too many tallies to collect, I changed my focus from Kriegsmarine to Imperial Navy.
        Some impression attached. If there is somebody out there with a positive resonance, I’ll may show some tallies in a separate threat. But I guess, most of the collectors are interested in the Kriegsmarine tallies…
        BR, Chris

        Edit: due to the restructure of this Forum, I'm not (yet) able to attach any pictures. Will do it later, once this issue is clarified. Sorry

        Hi Chris,

        OK, I agree with you, most of collectors are interested in KM tallies. But I think too, most of the KM tallies collectors will be glad to see some nice Imperial tallies too.

        I'm a KM tally collector, but I don't discard the idea to have some Imperial from fighting ships too.

        If you have problems to attach pictures here, you can do like me hosting your pictures in a site like Photobucket, TinyPic, etc... and posting it's [IMG] link here.

        Please, if it's possible, show your collection to us.

        Best Regards,



          Originally posted by JustinG View Post
          There was a member who posted a beautiful collection of German Warships that participated in the Battle of Jutland and this was displayed magnificently, it might be in the pinned thread for Imperial/RM/KM tallies.
          Hi Justin,

          Yes, I remmember this display at the pinned thread, but as you said there are very few Imperial tallies collector showing their tallies here. I think this mind can be changed if they know KM collectors has interest to see Imperial tallies too, and I think too there is space here for a Imperial tallies collectors comunity too.

          Best Regards,



            Originally posted by Gensui View Post
            I don’t want to interrupt/disturb this threat, but ok guys, I’ll drop my pants.
            Actually, I’m focusing on Imperial German cap tallies.
            I am happy about a small collection of approx. 240 tallies, incl. some common ones, and some scarcer ones. As there are too many tallies to collect, I changed my focus from Kriegsmarine to Imperial Navy.
            Some impression attached. If there is somebody out there with a positive resonance, I’ll may show some tallies in a separate threat. But I guess, most of the collectors are interested in the Kriegsmarine tallies…
            BR, Chris

            Edit: due to the restructure of this Forum, I'm not (yet) able to attach any pictures. Will do it later, once this issue is clarified. Sorry
            Hi Gents,

            nice to see Chris joined in here. Otherwise I would have linked him to this thread. He knows the subject best and is focussed on the Imperial Navy since quite a while. Small collection of 240 tallies ... just 240 tallies ... small colelction ... . Let's put it this way - it's one of the biggest pure Imperial tally collections I know of!
            The passion for these tallies faded a bit over the past 10 years since more and more collectors - especially the new ones - are getting interested in the KM only. I must say the KM is a little more interesting because the named tallies were only worn between commisioning and Sept 1939. As we all know the circumstances dictated that a good portion of KM units were commisioned/set up in the second half of the thirties, making their tallies quite rare, especially now 74 years later.
            Well, with the Imperial tallies it is actually a bit similar: many large ships came in service close to the beginning of the war. However, they seem to be more often and don't have that many lovers.
            The prices in the Imperial "world" are the other way around compared to the KM: if you have a small KM ship's tally, which never sunk a single ship or which was not even involved in the war, it is reasonable cheap. The Panzerschiff or Schlachtschiff tallies are expensive due to the glory and heroic aura of them. The Imperial tallies are as more expensive as smaller and scarcer the ships were. Interesting, isn't it?

            Alright, enough from my side. I also would love to see Chris' collection, once the WAF issue is sorted.




              I agree, Dani, I would love to see your collection Chris.
              It is a pretty interesting phenomenon.

              The rarity of the tallies really depend on the specific unit and it's individual glory. Shame that the Hilfskreuzers like the Wolf never had a tally.
              Personally, I would love to obtain an Imperial Marine Luftschiff tally. These of course demand high dollar as anything affiliated with the great airship Zeppelins command that high price tag.

              Muetzenbander collecting really has to be personal and collected for personal reasons. Due to the limited number and that number seems to be getting smaller and smaller, it would become difficult for members to invest in these if they were expecting a turn-over and drastic price increase over the long haul.

              I am always amazed how one week you can spot a decent named ship tally on a collecting website or ebay.de and it goes for 30Euro and the next week a similar construction and condition tally goes on sale and goes for 100+Euro.

              I now have several duplicates due to being successful bidding on some pretty rare tallies. When I first obtained these, I paid a much higher price for the first one and later I found them for sometimes as half of what I originally paid.

              The one truism I have found is that the rare tallies are the ones that still elude you.
              The Unterseebootstender Mosel still eludes me and is my last one to give me the COMPLETE U-Flottille, Schule, and Begleitschiff/Tenders.
              (with at least one of the examples) The Unterseebootstender was also the Unterseebootsbegleitschiff Erwin Waßner. I believe the Havel is another where there are two mützenbander ship titles.

              I am also missing the Schnellbootstender/begleitschiff Tsingtau, which frankly, I have never even seen a photo or an example of this particular tender, hense I am not sure if they termed it a tender or Begleitschiff.

              As those who have done business with me know, I compensate quite well for tips to help with acquisition to a rare tally that I am still in need of. There are tallies that I am looking for that I know are out there, but those in possession don't want to sell.

              Looking forward to seeing what I can only assume are beautiful collections.



                I’m blushing!

                Thanks for your interest. I’ll try to show some of my beauties - once I can up-load anything here...

                @Dani: We both know, that you don't need to hide your experience and that your collection is as nice as beautiful! In adddition to your tremendous knowledge I'm overshadowed by you

                BTW, can you post pictures? In worst case, I would ask you to post some photos for me, which I'd send to you?

                BR, Chris


                  test to post image

                  Hi Chaps,

                  @ Chris "Danke für die Blumen" ... as we say in German as an expression for gratitude. I'll try to post an image just for test purposes. Coincidental this is a little teaser for the collector's community to show a couple of extremely rare ones. In know only of another 4 collectors who have the 7th MAA. For the Marinegasschutzschule I know only one more in a colloection.

                  This shows you that it isn't the case ships or boats or UBoat-tallies are necessarily the rarest but certainly the best paid for. Ironic that the 7th MAA was sold just last week on ebay for a rediculous low price (this is not the tally which is on this image).

                  The others are pretty much standard but were on the same photo.

                  @ JustinG: well, the rarity of a tally has nothing to do with the glory. Certainly the price does, no question. An example: a U-Emsmann goes regulary on ebay for 250-350 Euro. A KM "Segelschulboot Gud=win" or KM "Stationstender Nixe", which were not for sale anywhere to my knowledge in the past three years wouldn't even fetch half this price, I can guarantee. Simply for the above mentioned reason: most collectors values a tally based on the unit's glory and not how rare or small the unit was.

                  @ Chris (2): if this works you are most welcome to send your images across and I will post them - please in a handy format (1000x800 or similar).



                  EDIT: Sorry, upload failed. It seems the issues on WAF are still present. You would think it is announced somewhere in a start-up msg ...

                  P.S.: Will post this image later.
                  Last edited by Marine HJ; 03-02-2013, 02:33 PM. Reason: completion of post


                    Strange enough this gentleman was able to upload his image on e-stand and he posted after Chis tried to upload.


                    Not sure what's the exact problem but I'm sure the moderators are aware of it and rectifying soon.



                      Dani, a number of people incl myself haven't been able to upload pics for some days. I have just tried again and this time it went ok so maybe try again?

                      I'm sorry if I'm a little slow but the 7'th MAA? MarineArtillerieAbteilung oder...?

                      The Segelschulboot Gud=win was on ebay in December 2010 and it went for 70€. Guess who didn't get it

                      Believe the Nixe also has been for sale recently but can't say for sure.

                      Finally, anybody please share your tally collection, Imperial, Reichsmarine, KM whatever, thanks!!


                        Hurray, it worked. @ Chris: try it yourself now - maybe all back to normal.
                        Attached Files


                          Finally, I can up-load as well!

                          Ok, here we go.

                          Let’s start with some basic background information.
                          I try to complete my tally collection of each unit with golden, silver and red woven letters (as far as existent). Each unit is stitched on an acid-free paper/carton, covered in an unplasticised cover-foil. In the past, I framed my tallies behind glass, which was a big mistake. I learned it the hard way, because due to the sun-/uv-light, some tallies turned into a handful of dust
                          On the front-side, I complement with some wearing example (sailor) and the unit/ship itself. On the backside, I make some CV with technical focus of the ship. All papers are fixed in a folder, which I “tuned” a little bit.
                          @Justin: Are you sure about the Hilfskreuzer Wolf tally?

                          Honestly, it’s difficult to judge, if a tally is from a light cruiser (e.g. MOEWE, SEEADLER, WOLF) or aux cruiser. I can imagine, that from confidential reasons, no Hilfskreuzer tallies were in use during the command. But Sailors were able to buy any cantina tallies after they came back home. You can judge, if a tally is “worn in action” or a “cantina” tally, but you don’t know if a pure tally (without any background of the cavalier) belongs to a member of aux- or light cruiser sailor…
                          I will continue from time to time, if my time allows. Any wishes are welcome, as far as I can show of course…
                          BR, Chris
                          Attached Files


                            @Justin: Here are mine MARINE=LUFTSCHIFF=ABTEILUNG and my TSINGTAU tally (sorry, no Flottentender tally from the KM). Hope you like it either?

                            BR, Chris
                            Attached Files


                              Originally posted by R.R. View Post

                              Imperial cap tallies are not exactly my target, but it was a very important ship with some historic significance. Tally has two old repairs done sometimes ago.


                              here are my Gneisenau-collection. Unfortunately, the tally with the red-woven letters are still missing...

                              Attached Files


                                Hi Chris,

                                Very nice display you created, I like so much the idea to ad a postcard and tally in wear picture from each ship.

                                I never experienced something like you said, but I never liked the idea to display tallies or other cloth itens exposed to direct light. Colors and cloth may be faded due direct light and I think a glass display don't protect tallies from the ambiental humidity.

                                Now I'm protecting my tallies inside photografic film black recipients as Justin and others recommended here and I made some adoptations in the metod for better tallies preservation:

                                1 - I roll a cellophane paper stripe with the tally to avoid gold matherial from letters stains the ribbon due a long time exposure;

                                2 - I use a thread acid free plastic tube to roll the tally to avoid to knead the inner ribbon parts;

                                3 - And finaly I wrap the rolled tally with a food preservation film to avoid the moisture.

                                I'm glad to see the gold and silver SMS Gneisenau tallies together in very nice conditions.

                                And please, I'm a question for you, was existed tallies for the König Class battleships? Are they so much hard to find?

                                Best Regards,



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