Your opinions on this decal gentlemen...
The helmet was found in Dunkirk. Some people are skeptic about the decal because it is of the (how rare?) Quist type. Eagle with a head of narrow design and quite big feet.
There's a lot of pitting to the helmet, so I'm asking, is it uberhaupt possible to create a fake decal of this quality? Seems like a lot of work knowing that I paid barely 80$ for the shell..
The helmet was found in Dunkirk. Some people are skeptic about the decal because it is of the (how rare?) Quist type. Eagle with a head of narrow design and quite big feet.
There's a lot of pitting to the helmet, so I'm asking, is it uberhaupt possible to create a fake decal of this quality? Seems like a lot of work knowing that I paid barely 80$ for the shell..