Could you tell me if you think this looks alright, I thought it looked ok but you never know. The decals seem to have gone, one looks like it was a big swastika, what would that have been then please. Knowing nothing about these I've heard all sorts of stories of SS barrack firemen etc. Who did wear a big Swas on the helmet or has this been faked.
Sorry to post such a crappy thing, it's not my sort of thing but it was my first German helmet of sorts. And these questions must seem simple to you guys, please forgive my ignorance on it.
Kind regards,
Could you tell me if you think this looks alright, I thought it looked ok but you never know. The decals seem to have gone, one looks like it was a big swastika, what would that have been then please. Knowing nothing about these I've heard all sorts of stories of SS barrack firemen etc. Who did wear a big Swas on the helmet or has this been faked.
Sorry to post such a crappy thing, it's not my sort of thing but it was my first German helmet of sorts. And these questions must seem simple to you guys, please forgive my ignorance on it.
Kind regards,