I just bought this helmet. I bought it with a 5 days return privilege.
It is a M-40 DD police helmet. I just receive it yesterday. It has a “salty” look. I has a even wear all over the helmet.
The shell is stamped 7187 and SE 64
Does not have a chinstrap and the string it is not original.
The liner is original, but I don’t know if it was replaced although the leather condition and metal ring match the overall condition of the helmet. The leather may have been treated as is almost black, but supple.
The decals are suck into the shell as I can not feel the borders and look good to me, but I am not an expert.
I will appreciate any input as I could return it back.
It is a M-40 DD police helmet. I just receive it yesterday. It has a “salty” look. I has a even wear all over the helmet.
The shell is stamped 7187 and SE 64
Does not have a chinstrap and the string it is not original.
The liner is original, but I don’t know if it was replaced although the leather condition and metal ring match the overall condition of the helmet. The leather may have been treated as is almost black, but supple.
The decals are suck into the shell as I can not feel the borders and look good to me, but I am not an expert.
I will appreciate any input as I could return it back.