One of my favorite helmets though I don't know a lot about it.
I purchased this helmet about 20 years ago at an estate sale. Doing a bit of research I found the original owner did serve in the Army in North Africa up through Italy during World War II. I do not know (and the vet was long since gone before the sale) if this was something he brought back, was given to him, or he picked up some where else along the way. The little bit that I know about Italian helmets is that most features are World War II period but please correct me if I'm wrong.
The outside has an interesting pattern of olive drab and tan over the original green. The finish is probably about 70% complete at this point. The overall effect is very subtle.
I purchased this helmet about 20 years ago at an estate sale. Doing a bit of research I found the original owner did serve in the Army in North Africa up through Italy during World War II. I do not know (and the vet was long since gone before the sale) if this was something he brought back, was given to him, or he picked up some where else along the way. The little bit that I know about Italian helmets is that most features are World War II period but please correct me if I'm wrong.
The outside has an interesting pattern of olive drab and tan over the original green. The finish is probably about 70% complete at this point. The overall effect is very subtle.