I just bought this new ZF4 scope and was wondering if by any chance I might have gotten a fake. I browsed a couple of websites and saw the "differences" or details that could make it a replica. In my case, i was more convinced of it being original, but I thought I might as well share it with the experts here and see what you're opinion is. The 2 rings that hold the scope to the mount are replica, i know that for sure.
I just bought this new ZF4 scope and was wondering if by any chance I might have gotten a fake. I browsed a couple of websites and saw the "differences" or details that could make it a replica. In my case, i was more convinced of it being original, but I thought I might as well share it with the experts here and see what you're opinion is. The 2 rings that hold the scope to the mount are replica, i know that for sure.