I recently came across the holy grail of ammunition. Out of all the years I have been collecting WWII German weapons I have seen boxes and even sleeves. I came up with a case, even though it is pieced together from complete sleeves from various runs. It seems it was collected in the early 60's by a gentleman that was stock piling ammunition for his collection of automatic weapons. I have a good friend that actually picked up a stock pile and I was lucky enough to secure the one full case of 9mm in the bunch. Most of the ammo was sealed or cased 7.92 tracer and armor piercing mg42 ammo.
My apology for the cell phone photo's. I haven't had a chance to set the case I own up for photos yet. The other photos are of the ammunition my friend still has.
My apology for the cell phone photo's. I haven't had a chance to set the case I own up for photos yet. The other photos are of the ammunition my friend still has.