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New Assault Weapon Ban Coming

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    I hate the upside down world I live in. I live in a place when pedophiles are protected, laziness is rewarded, and things like honor and duty don't count for much. I am sick of politicians, both sides of the aisle, repub and dem suck. They grow our government, restrict our freedom and tax us to death. I am sick of how they use us for their political gain. This ban is just another example. What right do they have? I am sorry but America is fast fading away Now you have an America where 1 out of 36 is in jail, on parole, or on probation, a drug problem that won't quit, we have become importers not expoters, record job loss and we have allowed other nations to rise and begin to claim our mantal of leadership and power. I guess I feel like some of the others on this board. Banning our guns is just another nail in the coffin of the American dream. As to them coming and taking our guns.....I'll still be holding mine as I lay on the floor.

    When they kick out your front door
    How you gonna come?
    With your hands on your head
    Or on the trigger of your gun

    When the law break in
    How you gonna go?
    Shot down on the pavement
    Or waiting in death row

    You can crush us
    You can bruise us
    But you'll have to answer to
    Oh, Guns of Brixton

    The money feels good
    And your life you like it well
    But surely your time will come
    As in heaven, as in hell

    You see, he feels like Ivan
    BORN under the Brixton sun
    His game is called survivin'
    At the end of the harder they come

    You know it means no mercy
    They caught him with a gun
    No need for the Black Maria
    Goodbye to the Brixton sun

    You can crush us
    You can bruise us
    But you'll have to answer to
    Oh-the guns of Brixton

    When they kick out your front door
    How you gonna come?
    With your hands on your head
    Or on the trigger of your gun

    You can crush us
    You can bruise us
    And even shoot us
    But oh- the guns of Brixton

    Shot down on the pavement
    Waiting in death row
    His game was survivin'
    As in heaven as in hell

    You can crush us
    You can bruise us
    But you'll have to answer to
    Oh, the guns of Brixton
    Oh, the guns of Brixton
    Oh, the guns of Brixton
    Oh, the guns of Brixton
    Oh, the guns of Brixton
    -The Clash


      I feel that I must vent my feelings here. People here may or may not agree with me, but here goes. I am 61 years old this March. I shot my first deer at 10 years of age. I got my first gun at age 14. I have acquired more at a rate of 1 plus a year since. I have hunted most of the Western States, Canada, Alaska, etc. I have no "So Called ASSAULT RIFLES" as I live in California, one of the most restrictive states on guns. I have never committed a crime, or fired a weapon in anger, other than in Viet Nam. I consider my self a law abiding person, I firmly believe that the only way I will ever be a felon is by being legislated one. Several years back, I am unsure just when, a nephew of mine was in the Corps at Camp Pendelton. They were asked to fill out a questionaire abouit seizing privately owned weapons. I never did here the results. As I am being long winded I will sum up. I believe in all private ownership and the 2nd ammendment. I am legal in all aspects with a C&R and a California COE. But as the late Charlton Heston said, " I will give up my gun when they pry it from my cold dead hand." Remember Ted Kennedy has killed more people with his car then I have with my guns. Thank you for your time. Pete


        Originally posted by Suber View Post
        Most certainly UNTRUE!

        Where, when, and who?


          Originally posted by dhunter93 View Post
          The facts are in every country where firearms were banned no one did anything. They just turned them over..The ones that didn't live in fear of arrest..The American spirt has been broken by years of brain washing. Most everyone will submit when the time comes.
          " Most everyone will submit when the time comes."

          When I stated MOST UNTRUE, I was referring to the UNITED STATES! Do you think for one minute that we as Americans, forging the history on the principle of the "right to keep and bear arms" , are going to "submit" when the time comes? I think you are grossly mistaken, and underestimate the number of citizens that hold the 2nd Amendment as one of its highest rights. Show me where in the British Common Law a statement has, or does exist? Tell me where the Austrailian government has, or had ever the provision outlined!

          I would also add that, perhaps YOUR American spirit has been broken, but millions have not in this country.


            Originally posted by ChrisCook View Post
            I agree with your points as far as the economic impact it would have. However, and this is where it gets hard for a lot of us.....they don't care. I struggle to understand the "liberal/anti-gun" mindset. I can understand what they want to do, but I can't fathom they "why" behind it. It is so foreign to me....

            That said, understand this. We are the contemptibles, our hobby is contemptible, and our guns are the reason for all the "evils" in this country. (As well as Mexico now it seems )

            They will shut it all down, it doesn't matter.... Look at what happened in the UK, and to our friends down under. Most likely it will be the ban on one type of weapon, then another, then another, until it's done. The cake will be devoured bit by bit.
            Although, executive orders, under the pretense of a "crisis" can go for the "cake" all at once. Never mind that it's unconstitutional.

            Talk to the victims of Waco about their constitutional rights. Oh wait....I can't. The million dollar follow up question to that statement was who was under Janet Reno? the deputy Erik Holder.....

            Nuff said for now...Chris....





            I dont quite view us as the "contemptables". If you look at most every Presidential election, which usually falls along party lines, both at the Federal level and State level, the split is nearly 50/50. The swing votes are not driven, at least I am assuming solely on the issues of Gun Control. It may play a part in ones decision to feel like they are doing away with those horrible killing utensils, but I dont think that it is the main reason.


              It seems to always be a glass half full or half empty type of discussion.

              Some points not mentioned are that we now enjoy many firearms ownership benefits that we have not had in 40 years. Some of these are a record number of import surplus firearms and ammunition that we have not seen since the 1960s...and maybe even a lot more nw than then. The first time in the history of the US that the 2nd Amendment has been ACKNOWLEDGED by the Supreme Court (not determined, as that was already done in the Bill of Rights!!) to protect the rights of citizens to keep and bear arms....a huge "deal". Record number of states and individuals excerising a concealed carry permit. Record number of C&R holders. Record number of gun owners and (I believe) NRA members.

              I could go on for a page with these.

              Sometimes we are our own worst enemies! Vote the SOBs out and the threat will is that simple!


                I agree with those who say it will happen a little at a time.

                Look at what this administration has been able to accomplish...elected on a platform of "Hope and Change" without ever defining what that meant, but rather by promising the world to the less motivated among us. We're on the verge of nationalizing banks and have pretty much mortgaged our future to the extent that the whole country can be "forclosed" on.

                I don't see much respect for any portion of the Constutitution (Hillary was technically ineligible to serve as Secretary of State, but that was an inconvenient detail) especially the Bill of Rights, and think they will be able to chip away a piece at a time until we don't recognize this place anymore. Man, if ever I hoped I was wrong it's now!

                A good analogy would be the story I read a couple of weeks ago about how one catches wild hogs:
                • Pour a bucket of corn out in the middle of a field. The hogs will eat it
                • Pour out another bucket. They'll eat it, too
                • Continue until they get so used to eating the corn that they no longer bother foraging for food.
                • Next, put a section of fence along one side of the field and keep putting out the corn. They may notice something different, but won't really care as long as the corn is there
                • Fence another side of the pasture. Keep the corn coming
                • Fence the third side of the field. Now, it's a little harder to get to the corn - they only have one way in and out of the field but, hey, it's still easier than finding your own corn and all the hogs are doing it
                • Fence in the fourth side of the field. Now hogs can't get out but, as long as someone keeps dumping corn in the trough, they don't care!
                • A butcher comes into the field takes one of the hogs - never to be heard from again. No big deal unless you're the hog that's gone. In fact, if you're still in the field there's more corn and less competition! Problem is, you have no way to guarantee that the corn will keep coming or that you won't be the next one to go with the butcher. AND you can't leave.
                Probably an over simplification, but for your friends and neighbors who wonder out loud how Hitler, Mussolini, Castro, Stalin, et. al., did what they did, we might be living in hte midst of a classic case study.

                Man, do I ever hope I'm wrong



                  Hardly an oversimplification Skip, it's a spot on analogy.
                  WAF LIFE COACH


                    I agree that Skip's analogy is valid, but is does over simplfy the problem. One thing to realize is that this hog feeding has not just started recently and has not occured at the same rate since it was first began. Actually there would be much debate on when it did first begin...and some arguements would date it back to the 1790s.

                    The same is true for the issue of government (every branch at different times) overstepping the Constitution. It is nothing new and some of the most popular and iconic presidents in our history (like Linclon) have been the worst abusers.

                    Now none of that makes what is happening today any less concerning, but often when governments and other power based organizations stick their noses too far into things they get it smacked...and in some cases chopped off!


                      Originally posted by Suber View Post
                      " Most everyone will submit when the time comes."

                      When I stated MOST UNTRUE, I was referring to the UNITED STATES! Do you think for one minute that we as Americans, forging the history on the principle of the "right to keep and bear arms" , are going to "submit" when the time comes? I think you are grossly mistaken, and underestimate the number of citizens that hold the 2nd Amendment as one of its highest rights. Show me where in the British Common Law a statement has, or does exist? Tell me where the Austrailian government has, or had ever the provision outlined!

                      I would also add that, perhaps YOUR American spirit has been broken, but millions have not in this country.

                      The point is the people of these far away lands had guns, the government said turn them in, and the subjected masses did. There was no blood in the streets. Outrage after outrage has been perpetrated on the American people over the last 50 years (taxes, gun restriction, ect) Yet nothing happens, oh people do complain and wring their hands, but still nothing happens. Maybe you can tie some pieces of torn cloth around your arms and head, yell somthing unintelligible, and fire an M60 into the approaching forces sent to take your guns; or not.


                        Originally posted by Suber View Post
                        So you are suggesting that an ALL out ban on ownership of guns is the prophecy. Have you thought this through at all? Lets look at the Firearms industry to start with. Many jobs, billions of dollars of revenue lost. Local gun/sporting goods stores out of business, more huge revenue lost. Firing ranges, both indoor and outdoor GONE. It is ridiculous at best to suggest that the government is THAT stupid in terms of the HUGE econonomic impact that it would cause. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN
                        Lets say that an M16 or MP5 is 500 dollars per gun for the military or police(hypothetically), if there were a ban on the civilian semi automatics, wouldnt the gun industry raise prices on the MP5 or the M16. Then an M16 could cost 700 dollars or up. It would be dumb to ban them.

                        There will never be any door to door confiscation of guns, even if there was no resistance, the ATF, FBI and many local police do not have enough agents to carry out the confiscations. There would be resistance though(not as much as many people say there will be, but there will be a fight here and there). But if they were to have an all out ban on guns, they would do it piece by piece, not just have a bill for the banning of all guns. First they would get assault weapons and NFA weapons(or make assault weapons into NFA weapons), then handguns, then rifles and shotguns. I do know one thing though, I sure as hell am not going to give up any of my guns.


                          [quote=dhunter93;3117598] Outrage after outrage has been perpetrated on the American people over the last 50 years (taxes, gun restriction, ect) Yet nothing happens, oh people do complain and wring their hands, but still nothing happens. .[/quote

                          But it has happened. We have have had 2 wholesale replacements in political power within the last 14 years. I will admit that the differences are not very easy to see, but these guys and gals can be in or out of office in a heartbeat...assuming it is their year for re-election.

                          You either did not read my post earlier about the positive changes in firearms or did not believe me...but it was really nothing to believe or not as it is evident fact.

                          What is occuring now is happening because the other "side" did stupid stuff for way too long and lost sight of who they said they were and who they worked the earlier loosers are being given another chance and if they blow it they may be out of power for the next 30 years. Yea I know that they want our guns, but are they willing to reach thru the political pen of rattlesnakes to grab them and could that move end up turning into a plus for gun rights? We will see.



                            You reaallllyy need to read your history books some more. I understand that you aced the AP kids...big deal, by your age I allready had 2 years of college under my belt. The gun industry will be limited to what they can charge for a weapon based on what the government feels it should pay. The gun laws are incremental and they started with the NFA of 1934. Every generation the laws are either relaxed or strengthened, but they are never eliminated. And every time they are strengthened they gain a little bit. It's the classic three steps forward two steps back, but they allways get that step...don't they?
                            In my opinion within the next 20 years gun ownership will become so expensive that the average person won't be able to afford it.


                            Originally posted by Josh Beckett View Post
                            Lets say that an M16 or MP5 is 500 dollars per gun for the military or police(hypothetically), if there were a ban on the civilian semi automatics, wouldnt the gun industry raise prices on the MP5 or the M16. Then an M16 could cost 700 dollars or up. It would be dumb to ban them.

                            There will never be any door to door confiscation of guns, even if there was no resistance, the ATF, FBI and many local police do not have enough agents to carry out the confiscations. There would be resistance though(not as much as many people say there will be, but there will be a fight here and there). But if they were to have an all out ban on guns, they would do it piece by piece, not just have a bill for the banning of all guns. First they would get assault weapons and NFA weapons(or make assault weapons into NFA weapons), then handguns, then rifles and shotguns. I do know one thing though, I sure as hell am not going to give up any of my guns.


                              Some may find this silly, but the SOLE reason I belong to te NRA, is that I know that most of my membership dues help to fight anti-gun legislation that is a VERY costly endeavor. I do not buy the scare tactics that the NRA uses at times, but if my money is well spent on protecting the 2nd amendment then so be it.

                              I would much rather give the money to the NRA than to the Christian childrens fund, or habitat for humanity.


                                Originally posted by phild View Post
                                Maybe you should tell us? Perhaps if they come to haul your family away that will provide someone some justification to do something toward a bunch of people just doing their jobs.
                                I can't tell you or anyone. That decision is with each of us at the time it occurs. I have strong opinions about property and rights to it and the laws on the books against "Hording" food Etc.



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