Hello all...
take a look at what I was given for free today! I dont know ANYTHING about P38's but this one is marked cyq 5071 m on the frame, slide and part of the barrel is marked 071 and another cyq...can anyone tell me an aprox year of manufacture..also in the same box is another slide and barrel, the slide is marked
47 d ac 45 the spare barrel is unmarked minus waffen ampts ..the person who gave this to me just said "here you like that german stuff, you take it and sell it or do something with it!" there is a cracked grip on one side..and the finish is not the best! but what can you say to free...got it home and lubed the crap out of it..thought I would see what you gents have to say..also , I am including the pics of the browning auto shotgun I was given at the same time by the same person! can you have a better day? any help with thoughts and info on the P38 especially a ballpark value would be very appreciated...thanks..chad
take a look at what I was given for free today! I dont know ANYTHING about P38's but this one is marked cyq 5071 m on the frame, slide and part of the barrel is marked 071 and another cyq...can anyone tell me an aprox year of manufacture..also in the same box is another slide and barrel, the slide is marked
47 d ac 45 the spare barrel is unmarked minus waffen ampts ..the person who gave this to me just said "here you like that german stuff, you take it and sell it or do something with it!" there is a cracked grip on one side..and the finish is not the best! but what can you say to free...got it home and lubed the crap out of it..thought I would see what you gents have to say..also , I am including the pics of the browning auto shotgun I was given at the same time by the same person! can you have a better day? any help with thoughts and info on the P38 especially a ballpark value would be very appreciated...thanks..chad