I agree that the price indicates it is fake, unless the seller was an elderly granny who sold antique silverware and teapots and stumbled upon this hat by a freak accident. Anyone who is linked to militaria and asking this price knows it is fake. A real untouched factory produced officers Army M-43 with original factory applied insignia would have no problem attracting 2K + any day of the week and twice on Sunday.
and the fact that he refuses to supply hd pics is a red flag, after looking at the link to gunbroker says it all beware know what you are looking at on that site
look at the link Billbert he knows its junk read his discription bevo insignia,pull-downs etc,etc he knows a little about militaria just not original headgear nice panzer generals cap for 900.00
Give a man an opinion and you feed him for a day,
teach a man to use the "search" function on the WAF and you feed him for a lifetime.
Thanks Lenny.. I would encourage everyone that collects headgear should take a peak at the dozen or so caps in the link..2 panzer generals overseas !!!.. After reviewing the fotos of all the caps the 1 pictured starting the forum still looked like the 1 that might have a chance to me..BUT considering the source most likely slim to none...JMO Billbert