Originally posted by Richard
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Bashfully, i must admit thought that it`s giving me great pleasure to watch Colin, and now Alex, walking straight into a brick wall, getting up, and walking straight back into it. Unfortunately Richard, even though it seemed at first that you were genuinely looking for an answer, i have to add you to this list now as well
Unlike AlexK, who cant even be bothered to read my posts here, (and has the necessity to actually post that he has not) and unlike Colin, it seems that you have actually bothered to read them
Richard, a very good point:
I have to admit I've never seen this type attachment on any other pre-1945 badge.
But they cannot, instead, as we see with Colin, would rather chase after a "10 year old vet story" instead of opening up a history book.
But Richard.... whats the rest about mate?
If, indeed, the numbered ones are fakes, we also need to imagine and think of the logic of a faker. Why would someone go to the trouble of making these badges and then individually numbering several, all with a different number? Seems like a lot of trouble to go to when they could just stamp out a bunch in a hurry. I doesn't seem the extra effort of stamping a unique number on several pieces would justify the additional profit.
And the fake HJ Ehrenzeichen, all individually numbered?
And the fake Golden Party Badges, all individually numbered?
And the many, many more fakes, all individually numbered?
This, is a valid point of argument?
If you are going to do yourself a favor this year, then let it be this.
Dont ever ask, Why would a faker do this or that - because they do it, for this exact reason.
Stand der Dinge.
You have on this thread, ME Someone who is "claiming" to be extensively knowledgeable on small badges, someone who shares facts and figures in-print, Someone who researches, and can factually back up what he says. And you have the, i guess at this point it is clear that the correct word is opposition, but for the sake of sharing love, lets call it, my detractors. What should detractors do? What should people do, who dont agree with what someone, who is claiming all of this research and knowledge, says?
Well firstly they need to read what that individual has written and researched, then take out the pieces they dont agree with, and challenge them using a well built, and well researched case. This is what i have done in my book. I have not written a few pages of nonsensical waffling, and challenged on-line persona`s because of what they have said on WAF, or any forum, or what i personally feel about them, i have gone after people who have written 10,20,30 and more, Militaria research books.
I will let you in on a secret. After a book is done, after many years of research are finished and it is being printed, there will always be that "feeling" of, "have i covered everything correctly? .. have i forgotten something that will turn up 1 week after the book is out, and be used by the detractors to challenge the whole book..?" thats a normal reaction i guess, well if you attempt a project on the scale of my book, it is.
There were even moments when i contemplated not loging onto another forum again, simply because of the drivel posted by Colin and his sort that you can read all the time. I dont think that "fearful" would be the right word, but i thought along the lines of;
I have done my part, the rest is up to them, no need for me to ever post on a forum again. And why not? ALL the older dealers think like this, and are content to list a DJ, or BDM knife or other fantasy item on their site and not feel the need to answer any questions online, even though we all know that they are selling us modern fakes.
BUT with a small amount of personal satisfaction i might add, threads like this just add more credibility to my research, and serve to show the greater community just how necessary a book like mine is today.
I can, and am prepared to - help you learn Mathematics.... but a prerequisite is that you need to be able to read and write before you join my class. The classroom attire is casual, but dragging your half-asleep body into my class wearing flip-flops and a straw hat, chewing gum and repetitively singing the same chorus line, is not acceptable.