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Hitlers Gold Party Badge 7

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    Well, there is something "physically" wrong with the badge that was pointed out by someone else.

    If you would notice, the positioning of the wreath to the enamel disc is wrong. The "bottom" of the wreath should be in the 6 position, but on this one it is at the 9 position.


      Hitlers membership no.

      When I read Mein Kampf, Hitler specifically stated his NSDAP membership no. was 7.


        In the NSDAP Hitler held membership number 7 - not number 1. He was not the founding member of the party as such (originally "The German Workers Party" of which he was member number 55 - not 555!).
        I can remember seeing a period photo from the late 30's of some early document of his (NSDAP membership I think) and his membership number was definately 7!
        It was not Hitler's "style" to upgrade his membership number to number one despite his position within the party, just like he didn't go about awarding himself various awards likes RK's or Grand Crosses etc.
        His Blood Order was number 1 - perhaps this is where the confusion lies?

        Each of his uniforms (and he had many - he travelled with at least half a dozen) was decked out with awards - his EK1, wound and party badge - so several of each would have existed.

        I've seen a pic of him with his EK1 having rotated a bit which would have indicated a screwback so that doesn't rule out this party badge simply because of its attachment type.

        Personally, I'm always very sceptical of the higher end personality items - especially when they appear on the internet or for general sale. Normally these sort of items that are without doubt authentic change hands without any actual advertising or publicity.
        Last edited by Luft62; 10-03-2004, 04:15 AM.


          Hitler's NSDAP number was 1 (which looks like a "7" to many North American eyes).

          The "7" story comes from Hitler's claim he was the 7th member of the DAP's executive planning committee. He held party number (DAP and NSDAP) 555 in both until the refounding of the NSDAP in 1925, when he took #1 in virtually every NSDAP organization. Anton Drexler took Hitler to task for claiming he was Party member 7 to bolster his flase claim to have been there "in the beginning". Letetrs in 1940 (?) to Hitler from Drexler (founder of the DAP) about this are quoted in the Hitler biography by Kershaw.

          The auction badge is a poor fake with an elaborate story.


            My mistake. Yes, he did hold member number 555 in the DAP and later NSDAP - seems they began with number 501 to make the party look bigger than it actually was.



              Hello all,
              Adolf Hilter was member 555 in the DAP although he was the 7Th member of the party.They started with 501 because of low numbers.
              5 Jan 1919 locksmith Anton Drexler founded the DAP
              Sept 1919 Adolf becomes the 7th member
              Jan 1920 Anton becomes chairman of the DAP numbering started AH got 555
              July 1921 AH succeeds as chairman
              Thats a brief outline on the party I also enclose a copy of his memship card to the party as you see number 555 they also spelt his name wrong.
              Cheers Rob
              Last edited by Jack; 06-14-2009, 08:29 PM.


                I am very interested in your comment that the Hitler Party badge in the HH auction is "a poor fake".On what grounds do you base this rather harsh judgement? Have you examined this actual badge or do you have a copy of the Patzwall book that the auctioneers state contains some details about badge number 7? It concerns me, and would certainly concern the vendor, that unsubstantiated comments like yours could significantly reduce the price achieved for this piece...or dare I ask are you going to bid on the badge? I have attended many auction viewings where the person with the loudest voice, tells all and sundry that item number 000 is not worth even half the reserve price, only to see him at the auction go 10 times that estimate to buy the item.
                I guess we can only wait and see what price the badge brings...but it does worry me that one day an excellent web site like this one is going to get hit by a massive law suit from a disgruntled vendor whose GENUINE sale item was unsold at an auction because of derogatory comments that appeared here.

                Originally posted by sjl
                Hitler's NSDAP number was 1 (which looks like a "7" to many North American eyes).

                The "7" story comes from Hitler's claim he was the 7th member of the DAP's executive planning committee. He held party number (DAP and NSDAP) 555 in both until the refounding of the NSDAP in 1925, when he took #1 in virtually every NSDAP organization. Anton Drexler took Hitler to task for claiming he was Party member 7 to bolster his flase claim to have been there "in the beginning". Letetrs in 1940 (?) to Hitler from Drexler (founder of the DAP) about this are quoted in the Hitler biography by Kershaw.

                The auction badge is a poor fake with an elaborate story.


                  I considered buying one of these a few years ago and based on what I learnt then, this one is by no means typical of a GPB...
                  • As mentioned before; the wreath is on the wrong way!
                  • A big worry with this badge is the very obvious centre ridge or vein in the leaves - a genuine GPB doesn't have these.
                  • The "S" doesn't look right - doesn't look like a backwards "Z" like the real ones do.
                  • The red enamel appears to lack the quality of even a good PB - you can't see the stippling through it like you see on any real GPB.
                  There are probably more things wrong with it than just those four things but for me, they would be enough to make me steer clear of it.

                  As far as the letters of authenticity from Linge and Hoffmann; I am sure you could show them anything that looked reasonably correct and they'd say "yeah, that's the one". Nearly thirty years after last seeing the badge and then to say "yes, that's the exact one"? Please!
                  How many holders of high end awards have had them swapped over the years without them even realising?


                    Fake badge

                    Hi Mike,

                    As to why I believe it to be a fake, here are the five biggies:

                    1) It is marked with party no. 7. Hitler of course never was party member 7. In 1925 he took no. 1 when all memberships were revoked and reissued. Previous to 1923 he was member no. 555 (actually no. 55, but as pointed out they started a 500 to look bigger - read Anton Drexler's letters). The party member 7 story is a myth based on Hitler's claim to have been the 7th member of the executive committee of the old DAP. (I wouldn't take Mein Kampf as fact for most things.)

                    2) The badge is "signed" by Hitler like an Honour GPB. The story is this badge was presented to him as a gift in 1937. Why would anyone put a facsimile of his signature on his own badge?

                    3) The badge offered is a screw back, but has no hook, which means it would spin like crazy and fall off.

                    4) The wreath is on sideways, with the ribbon tie at the bottom is at a 90 degree angle to the "DAP" at the bottom

                    5) Finally, its provenance is supposed to be the badge Magda Goebbels received from Hitler on the evening of 27 April 1945. That badge was dug up by the Russians with her corpse in 1945 and went into the KGB archives. It was badly fire damaged. 750 gold would not have survived well.

                    As for bidding on it, I wouldn't give $10, unless it really is gold, or to get this thing out of circulation so no one gets taken by it.


                      Read somewhere that it was given to Magda Goebbels, and was burn't. Trying to find the book


                        I'll tell you what gets me. I can't stand when they take these 80 y/o people and upset or make them mad with harsh questioning. What is the point? We can learn a lot from them now and all it takes is one bad experience with a reporter and say bye bye to any more interviews. I noticed this in a few interviews in "the Nazi's" by BBC


                          Let's be fair, in many cases there are harsh questions that need answering.

                          At Rathau on the Aller, the CO of 5th Royal Tanks advanced on foot to take a cautious look into the town before his tanks moved in. He encountered one of his own officers, a huge Welshman named John Gwilliam who later captained his country's rugby team, 'carrying a small German soldier by the scruff of his neck, not unlike a cat with a mouse.' The Colonel said: 'Why not shoot him?' Gwilliam replied in his mighty Welsh voice: 'Oh no, sir. Much too small.'


                            Stephen.thanks for your comments.I have re-read the write up in the catalogue ... the two letters from Linge and Hoffmann state "this party insignia was made for the Fuhrer sometime around 1937,and which he wore until 1945." So it could be say January 1945? It is only after the mention of the Patzwall book that a second statement refers to this badge as the one given to Magda Goebbels..."according to the testimony of those present"...I don't think Hoffmann was in the bunker was he?How about we go 50/50 on a bid...I'll put up $10 if you'll do the same.Regards. Mike

                            Originally posted by sjl
                            Hi Mike,

                            As to why I believe it to be a fake, here are the five biggies:

                            1) It is marked with party no. 7. Hitler of course never was party member 7. In 1925 he took no. 1 when all memberships were revoked and reissued. Previous to 1923 he was member no. 555 (actually no. 55, but as pointed out they started a 500 to look bigger - read Anton Drexler's letters). The party member 7 story is a myth based on Hitler's claim to have been the 7th member of the executive committee of the old DAP. (I wouldn't take Mein Kampf as fact for most things.)

                            2) The badge is "signed" by Hitler like an Honour GPB. The story is this badge was presented to him as a gift in 1937. Why would anyone put a facsimile of his signature on his own badge?

                            3) The badge offered is a screw back, but has no hook, which means it would spin like crazy and fall off.

                            4) The wreath is on sideways, with the ribbon tie at the bottom is at a 90 degree angle to the "DAP" at the bottom

                            5) Finally, its provenance is supposed to be the badge Magda Goebbels received from Hitler on the evening of 27 April 1945. That badge was dug up by the Russians with her corpse in 1945 and went into the KGB archives. It was badly fire damaged. 750 gold would not have survived well.

                            As for bidding on it, I wouldn't give $10, unless it really is gold, or to get this thing out of circulation so no one gets taken by it.


                              My $10 Worth

                              Hi Mike,

                              I'll toss in $10 too, but since the reserve is 17,500 Euro, I don't think we'll get very far.

                              I don't think Hoffmann was in the Bunker (not a lot of need for a photographer), and it may be that Magda wasn't burned - although Joe was. Still, the Russians inventoried the Gold Party Badge in her autopsy.

                              I've been asked to "authenticate" several 750 gold Gold Party Badges with the number 7 and supposedly belonging to Himself. All have been fakes with a tall tale accompanying.

                              I believe at least two of Hitler's GPBs were taken by US soldiers along with his Blood Order and 1927 NSDAP Membership Book (showing member #1 - reprinted in John Toland's photo biography) from his apartment in Munich in 1945. They are now in a private collection, and the membership book is in a US military museum.

                              Still, at $10 I might consider it.


                                Hi Stephen,
                                Somebody did not share your view about the Gold Partybadge at sold for 65,000 euros.The RK with oaks to Ochs made 41,000 euros,the Anti Partisan War Badge in gold with Diamonds made 34,000 euros,Donitz service baton 75,000 euros and his car pennant made 10,000 euros.Hey what's 225,000 euros anyway!!!!!

                                Originally posted by sjl
                                Hi Mike,

                                I'll toss in $10 too, but since the reserve is 17,500 Euro, I don't think we'll get very far.

                                I don't think Hoffmann was in the Bunker (not a lot of need for a photographer), and it may be that Magda wasn't burned - although Joe was. Still, the Russians inventoried the Gold Party Badge in her autopsy.

                                I've been asked to "authenticate" several 750 gold Gold Party Badges with the number 7 and supposedly belonging to Himself. All have been fakes with a tall tale accompanying.

                                I believe at least two of Hitler's GPBs were taken by US soldiers along with his Blood Order and 1927 NSDAP Membership Book (showing member #1 - reprinted in John Toland's photo biography) from his apartment in Munich in 1945. They are now in a private collection, and the membership book is in a US military museum.

                                Still, at $10 I might consider it.


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