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Hitlers Gold Party Badge 7

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    Hitlers Gold Party Badge 7

    Well gentlemen have a look at lot 2028 in the upcoming Hermann Historica sale.I thought the Russians had helped themselves to this badge having taken it from the charred corpse of Mrs Goebbels.I do not have the Patzwall book that features this badge...but it must be a good story.
    Mike Downey

    As I recall, Hitler's membership number in the NSDAP was "1" after he reconstituted the Party in 1927.

    In the beginning of 1918, a party called the Freier Ausschuss für einen deutschen Arbeiterfrieden (Free Committee for a German Workers' Peace) was created in Bremen, Germany. (6) Anton Drexler, locksmith and self-styled poet, formed a branch of this league on March 7, 1918, in Munich. In 1919, Drexler with Gottfried Feder, Dietrich Eckart and Karl Harrer, changed its name to the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (German Workers' Party, abbreviated DAP). This party is the formal forerunner of the NSDAP, and became one of many völkisch movements that existed in Germany after its defeat in World War I. In order to investigate the DAP, German army intelligence sent Adolf Hitler as a young corporal to monitor party activities. However, he was impressed by what he saw, and he joined as Member Number 555 (although Hitler later claimed to be "Party Member number 7" to make it look like he was a founder). He in fact was the 7th member of the DAP's central committee. At this early stage, Hitler brought up the idea of renaming the party, and he proposed the name "Social Revolutionary Party" (4). However, Rudolf Jung insisted that the party should follow the pattern of Austria's Deutsche Nationalsozialistische Arbeiterpartei. As a consequence, the DAP was shortly renamed the NSDAP. When the NSDAP was refounded after being banned following the abortive Beer Hall Putsch in 1923, Hitler took Party membership number 1. The evolution of the party within the Weimar Republic is exhibited in the Weimar Timeline.
    Last edited by Bill D.; 09-14-2004, 08:51 AM.


      for those who are not registered with hermans
      Lot Nr.2028

      Adolf Hitler

      his golden party badge
      His personal badge in a special version of gold and enamel. The inscription on the medallion as well in gold in contrary to the silver inscriptions on a normal Golden Party Badge. On the reverse side engraved the number "7" and the facsimile signature "Adolf Hitler" along with the stamped hallmark "750". On a threaded pin with a small, toothed, screw disk. Diameter: 31 mm. In a case with blue velvet lining.
      There is also a pictured certificate of August 9/10 1973 with a handwritten declaration of authenticity by Heinz Linge (Head of Adolf Hitler's personal servants) and Heinrich Hoffmann (Reichs Press Photographer for the NSDAP and Hitler's personal photographer). They swear on oath that this is the party insignia that "was made for the Führer sometime around 1937, and which he wore until 1945".
      Literature: Klaus D. Patzwall, "Das Goldene Parteiabzeichen", (The Golden Party Badge) Norderstedt 2004, page 45 with colour illustrations and page 51 f. According to the testimony of those present, Magda Goebbels received this party badge as a personal gift in the evening of 27 April 1945, (three days before Hitler's suicide).

      <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=standardfett width=148>Condition: I-</TD><TD class=standardfett width=136>Limit: 17500 EURO



        pic 2!!


          I believe the one given to Magda Goebbels is in the Russian National museum,I have seen it.Its charred,chipped and in relic condition.Now that being said,how many personal GPB did Hitler have?I think its safe to assume more than one.In a interview I had with Artur Axmann,he stated to me that Hitler always had at least 12 changes of cloths with him at all times with appropriate insignia.He would cahnge cloths several times a day because he tended to sweat profusly.
          While the provenance looks good on the computer(not in hand),it stands to reason that this is one of several.Does anyone know how many GPB Hitler indeed did have?



            I am going to ask a very stupid question...

            Why would Hitler's personal badge be signed by him? It is not as though he had to be worried about anyone stealing it. Now on the other hand, if this were another one of his personal wear "Give Away" badges, that would make sense to me. After all the badge given right off his clothes would carry with it much more setimental value would it not? The fact hat he gave the badge to Magda offers some validity to the theory that he DID give badges off his person to party members.

            Just curious, and I have no proof to back any of this up, just perplexed that he would have embossed his signature into something that he was never going to give away but wear himself.



              Problem number 1: Hitler would not have had Gold Party Badge number "7".

              He was party member number "1", and his badge would have been so marked. I don't know whether a photograph exists anywhere of the reverse of the badge in the Russian museum, but I presume that it would reflect this.

              Problem number 2: Hitler's signature on his own badge.

              As noted above, Hitler's signature appeared on decorations that were given to others. It seems silly that it would be on his own personal badge. (Noting parenthetically, Hitler was entitled to wear the 20 July Wound Badge, but of course did not do so; that badge bore his signature and was presented by him. He didn't present awards to himself).

              Problem number 3: The badge is a screw-back.

              There are several tailored brownshirts in existence that were worn by Hitler (one is in the Bill Shea collection). These were taken from Hitler's apartment in Munich by an American soldier. The Russians also have a tunic. None of the shirts/tunic that I have seen that were definitely Hitler's had holes in them for a screw-back party badge.

              Now, of course, anything is possible. But between the number "7", the signature, and the screw-back, it is not a piece that I personally would want to own.


                Bill,you are correct about the number.The one in the Russian National Museum is in a History Channel documentry,but I do not remember which one.It was behind glass there and I was not allowed to handle it.

                Interesting remarks about it being screwback.I have noticed in several still photos and films that his EK would be tilted.....I guess Adolf liked screwback over pins.

                So then this GPB(if genuine) would actually belong to whomever was #7 after the recostutution of the NSDAP.Such a low number it must be someone of significance.Anyone know who held #7 in the membership after the change?


                  The number 1 written in German style often looks like a 7 as in a long slanting top stroke and no line at the bottom


                    Originally posted by Brad Haner
                    I believe the one given to Magda Goebbels is in the Russian National museum,I have seen it.Its charred,chipped and in relic condition.Now that being said,how many personal GPB did Hitler have?I think its safe to assume more than one.In a interview I had with Artur Axmann,he stated to me that Hitler always had at least 12 changes of cloths with him at all times with appropriate insignia.He would cahnge cloths several times a day because he tended to sweat profusly.
                    While the provenance looks good on the computer(not in hand),it stands to reason that this is one of several.Does anyone know how many GPB Hitler indeed did have?

                    Hello Brad, Very interesting that you had an interview with Herr Axmann. To get off topic a bit, what was the nature of your talk with him? Was it about general topics or specifically about his role in the Third Reich? Was he an open interviewee? The reason I ask is that there are some who felt he got off very lightly for his role in sending young boys off to die. I wonder if he feels any guilt at all. I am just curious. Thanks Robert


                      Originally posted by Brad Haner
                      In an interview I had with Artur Axmann,he stated to me that Hitler always had at least 12 changes of clothes with him at all times with appropriate insignia.He would change clothes several times a day because he tended to sweat profusely.

                      I don't blame him! I'd be sweating profusely too!



                        I have been fortunate enough and had a job that allowed me the time and travel,to speak with several of the inner circle.In the "old days" it was quite easy to get in touch with many famous members of the 3rd Reich and KC holders.As for Herr Axmann,I had to be in Germany and made contact with him.On my return flight I detoured to the Canary Islands where he was.The interview was mainly of historical events,but I did ask some militaria questions.He was a gracious and jovial host.Robert you must realise that when talking to these individuals,one had to becareful of how and what you asked.I pissed off Leni Riefenstahl and she sent me out on my butt because she found some of my comments highly disagreeable.However I can answer one of your questions.He thought that his sentence was harsh and unjustified.He felt that his role was not criminal at all.

                        Before you ask,no I will not post any interviews.The couple of times I did(not here) I was either called a revisionist or others took it as gospel and deemed the history books wrong.I did not(and still don't)know how it came to that,when all I was doing was relaying what was told to me.

                        Feel free to ask me any questions you might have.



                          Well, Brad, I'll ask the crass, obvious question:

                          Did you aquire anything from them ?


                          What did you ask Leni that got her so ticked off ?


                            Hi Brad, That All Sounds Very Interesting And A Dam Shame. I Have Always Wondered What Was Their Thinking At That Time And Get It Right From The Source. Bill, I Am Very Interested In The Answers To Your Questions Also. Very Good! A Question To Brad, Do You Attend The Greatlakes Military Show In Toledo At Any Time? Regards, Chris


                              Bill,The only thing I was able to aquire were autographs.Most lost thier momentos at the time of thier arrest and or investigation.Leni was a person who marched to the beat of a different do I.The first time we met,I made a rather unflattering comment about the enviromentalist and she took exception....being one herself.

                              Clenter,I am 4 hours from toledo,but I never hear about the show there....I would love to attend can you let me know when the next one is?


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