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Is this a Blood Order Ribbon?

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    Is this a Blood Order Ribbon?

    Spotted some ribbons the other day and this one intrigued me so I bought them.

    The reverse/rear configuration is a tad odd-ball but then I don't really collect ribbon bars so wouldn't know. Thus, I'm hoping for some guidance.

    To the clueless (me, in this case) it looks like a Blood Order ribbon. No UV reaction for whatever that's worth.

    Thanx for any info you can share. Rick
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        Well, there’s been a good number of views on this thread but no comments as yet so I thought I might bring this to the top again. Where I admittedly don’t know dog squat about Blood Orders or their ribbons, I’m guessing the reason folks might be reluctant to pipe in is because A: it’s not a textbook button hole ribbon configuration and B: that there’s really no way to take a viable measurement of the ribbon where it’s folded/mounted the way it is. While not a textbook/buttonhole configuration I ponder Bob Hritz’s comment found on another Blood Order thread ( that “A ribbon could be worn on civilian clothing, if so desired.” Might not this explain the non-textbook setup where, in fact, no top pocket button would be present?

        In fact, I notice in this thread ( Jon Fish shows a similarly configured Blood Order ribbon (hope he doesn't mind) which I would love to see the reverse of:
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          Hi Rick,

          I haven't piped in because I am more unfamiliar with Blood Orders and their ribbons than most, having never owned one of either issue. When I first read your posting a few days ago, I wanted to wait until Jon or Erich or others with much more expertise with this subject aired their views...all of which I greatly respect. I did find it a bit odd that the award in your photos appears to be parade mounted with a double width of the ribbon, as opposed to one width as we usually see these. Since there are other awards with ribbons of similar color combinations, I thought this might have been created from one of those. But now, as you remind us with a photo of Jon's astounding collection of BOs, I see that he too has one with the same ribbon configuration. So that's good enough for me!

          Br. James



            I didn't want anyone hitting me with the old "use the search function" reply so I've been reviewing any threads I could. Life's always easier when you can point to another known original and say 'huh?'



              Br James, I did reply to Rick via pm when requested. Yes its not a textbook way of wearing the ribbon but as Rick has shown there are some variant ways of wearing ribbons that spring up time to time.I don't think its legit but I would have to see it in hand to be certain.I asked Rick for measurements but of course thats not possible. It's a nice filler or whatever,its interesting. I don't own the medal shown in the picture anymore but certainly wouldn't say this one is original just because it might match another one, I look at them all on merit,in hand. In fact I only just returned the blood Order ribbon sold on the last Craigs Gottlibs auction as it was not right when I got it home[of course with no argument,instant refund as per terms]
              Last edited by Jon Fish; 07-03-2012, 04:09 PM.


                Thanks for your full response, Jon. You're right, of course, that each piece must stand on its own in the end, but the great value of this and similar forums, IMO, is that a collector can obtain the opinions and remarks of those who have far greater experience in a particular, often quite obscure, field of collecting as to the merits and faults of a given piece. While I have been studying and collecting for 50+ years, I have little to no direct experience in countless areas of our hobby, and it does me great good to be able to pick the brains of those who might have just the answer I'm looking for. As with much in life, our hobby is an art form and not a science, and it gives me great pleasure to be of any assistance to anyone with a question about which I might happen to have some experience...just as I am always grateful for your thoughtful input. Blessings, my friend,

                Br. James


                  Originally posted by Jon Fish View Post
                  ... I don't think its legit but I would have to see it in hand to be certain....
                  Hi Jon,

                  Hoping you can help me learn a bit on the nuances of an original ribbon versus a reproduction. Below are some comparative shots and I'm hoping for the detail by which one might conclude they are legit or not. Can you help? Rick
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                    Not without having it in hand,sorry.


                      I missed this thread and we know that there were many who worn their ribbons in an unorthodox manor. With that being said, I agree with Jon that this ribbon would have to be inspected in had to know either way.


                        Well that’s disappointing in that I’ve always thought that when collectors specialize in an item or a ‘field’ of items that there would be certain ‘tells’ that they look for which those reproducing these items tend to miss in the attempts at prevarication. I’m surprised because someone like Nick (NTZ) and Stonemint who tend to focus on headgear, I’m sure, can bend our ears about the subtle nuances of manufacture or specifics ‘tells’ of certain manufacturers which tend to indicate a post war fabrication within their areas of expertise. Even myself, in looking at General’s insignia, could relate what I look for in comparing pieces which are ‘signs’ of an original piece versus the common mistakes made by replicators.

                        Have BO ribbons fallen into the realm of Oakleaves to the RK where electron microscopes are now need to ascertain authenticity? In the present case there are no ‘tells’ that might be shared that give away modern manufacture over period manufacture?

                        No disrespect intended - I’m not trying to spar with either of you, but when some someone articulates a feeling that a ribbon isn’t “legit” I have to think there’s a giveaway that Jon noted beyond the ribbon setup (a configuration which you’ve clearly owned in the past) or the precise width of the subject ribbon which can’t be measured due to folding/mounting (as your similarly mounted piece was unmeasurable). Being a novice with regard to ribbons (and many other things), I rather thought the closeup detail of the stripes, threading and weaving of the ribbon were the ‘tells’ of these things, thus my question about the nuances. I’m trying to understand what you ‘see’ that worries you so I can then better understand these things.



                          Based on the photos, I would say it's original, or, at least, I don't see anything that would be problematic. I've had BOs on single parade mounted ribbons and on the 'spread' ribbon bar (as was worn on uniforms with no breast pocket), and this looks viable to me.
                          Festina lente!


                            Well I have given opinions in the past on ribbons and not been right when I have had them in hand,hence I won't say eitheeer way 100% by photo's.
                            For instance, this ribbon gives no reason by photo to say its not right,but its wrong. Wrong width,wrong weave,wrong UV reaction and wrong 'feel' but that can't be quantified I'm afraid,its through experiance and comparing to originals.


                              Sorry didn't upload....
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