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Hitlers Bricks on estand?

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    Originally posted by Robin Lumsden View Post
    Guaranteed genuine.

    From Hitler's teahouse on the Obersalzberg.

    Only 2 million bucks.
    Awesome Robin.


      Originally posted by Robin Lumsden View Post
      Guaranteed genuine.

      From Hitler's teahouse on the Obersalzberg.

      Only 2 million bucks.


      Damn, Robin. You never cease to amaze



        Originally posted by EKman View Post
        Sal, silver is silver and iron is iron and individually these items are of rather low value. However, put them together in the right fashion and add some historical significance and therein lies the value...such as the rather nice 1870 EKII that I saw you post. Would you like to sell it to me for the actual value of the materials involved? I mean it is only a bit of silver and iron, or does the historical meaning add some monetary value as well for you? You stated that you believe that these could have come from the Berghof, fair enough. I think I have presented a fair case that they did. I have also presented reasonable points to suggest that $200 is not out of line...especially since it seems that pieces of the Berlin Wall are going for $195 these days.

        So, just as you would not agree that your 1870 EKII is just silver and iron. These bricks are not just bricks. The value lies not in the physical material involved in their manufacture, but in the historical events to which they are with everything else that we collect.
        You missed my point Chris, I would like a brick from the Berghof myself. I am simply saying unless one got the brick from there themself, it is just a brick like any other. No way to verify. Lets say I trust you implicitly and I bought one. Then I sell it and so on, no way to verify it like you can with a medal , for instance. What it boils down to is you have to trust that everyone that was ever in possession of that brick is 100% honest. It is a brick! That is the same as having sex with someone and believing that they know that everyone they ever had sex with was AIDS free and thus no need for a condom. So when you come down to it $200 is a lot of money for a HUGE leap of faith! And that is all it can ever be, a leap of faith.

        Best, Sal


          I'm sorry that some of you guys seem to think that SS laundry tags, political spoons, Weimar stamps, tinnies, war merit crosses, NSDAP pins, stug track links, belt buckles, Heer shoe laces, boot polish,...all have value, are collectible, and are appropriate to sell on the Estand at a profit when you need to upgrade something in your collections or when you need to move on the next big opportunity; while bricks salvaged from Hitler's home where so many important decisions in World War II were made (which is the time period we are studying by the way) have no value and ought to be thrown out, given away, or shoved under the bed--but certainly not sold on the Estand for money of all things, Heaven forbid to fund another purchase!

          Sal asked in a PM that I explain why I so matter of factly declared these bricks to be Hitler related items. I have done this ad nauseam.

          I am now fully aware that many of you fellows find it morally repugnant and dare I say unethical to sell bricks from Hitler's home on the Estand and that you are deeply offended at the asking price. Pardon, but I don't recall ringing your homes and asking you to buy one, if I did, I appologize.

          Could you now please prove to me that these are not Hitler related items.
          Last edited by EKman; 07-02-2008, 12:04 AM.
          Interested in candid/private Hitler, KIA, and Holocaust photos. Also any AH related memorabilia--silverware, linen, crystal, china...
          All the best,


            Last edited by TxGauleiter; 07-01-2008, 11:39 PM.


              Originally posted by EKman View Post
              I'm sorry that some of you guys seem to think that SS laundry tags, political spoons, Weimar stamps, tinnies, war merit crosses, NSDAP pins, stug track links, belt buckles, Heer shoe laces, boot polish,...all have value, are collectible, and are appropriate to sell on the Estand at a profit when you need to upgrade something in your collections or when you need to move on the next big opportunity; while bricks salvaged from Hitler's home where so many important decisions in World War II were made (which is the time period we are studying by the way) have no value and ought to be thrown out, given away, or shoved under the bed--but certainly not sold on the Estand for money of all things, Heaven forbid to fund another purchase!

              Sal asked in a PM that I explain why I so matter of factly declared these bricks to be Hitler related items. I have done this ad nauseam.

              I am now fully aware that many of you fellows find it morally repugnant and dare I say unethical to sell bricks from Hitler's home on the Estand and that you are deeply offended at the asking price. Pardon, but I don't recall ringing your homes and asking you to buy one, if I did, I appologize.

              Could you now please prove to me that these are not Hitler related items.
              Chris, "prove it is not original" is not a good argument. The difference is clear. the other items you mentioned are provable. The bricks are not and can never be. Can you really not see the difference?


                Originally posted by EKman View Post
                I'm sorry that some of you guys seem to think that SS laundry tags, political spoons, Weimar stamps, tinnies, war merit crosses, NSDAP pins, stug track links, belt buckles, Heer shoe laces, boot polish,...all have value, are collectible, and are appropriate to sell on the Estand at a profit when you need to upgrade something in your collections or when you need to move on the next big opportunity; while bricks salvaged from Hitler's home where so many important decisions in World War II were made (which is the time period we are studying by the way) have no value and ought to be thrown out, given away, or shoved under the bed--but certainly not sold on the Estand for money of all things, Heaven forbid to fund another purchase!
                My house was next to a SD headquarter, think a lot of important decisions were made there also... Anybody interested in a brick... ???

                If you think that what you are doing is 'right' (imo its NOT wrong, its just absurd. I hope you know what I mean with 'right''?) then please just forget about my replies. You have the right to sell anything for in your opinion the right price. Good luck with the selling..!




                  Originally posted by Sal Williams View Post
                  Chris, "prove it is not original" is not a good argument. The difference is clear. the other items you mentioned are provable. The bricks are not and can never be. Can you really not see the difference?
                  Sal, you asked in your original post "I would like to know if there is any reason to think these bricks are as advertised?" And then later on you acknowledged "I also have no problem believing these COULD have come from the Berghof." I answered you question in between to the best of my ability with ample research and I think better than and with more effort than what most people put forth when one of their items is called into question from the Estand.

                  I'm not an idot Sal. Yes I know it is not a good argument to ask someone to prove that bricks are not original. I was trying to get some of these people here to see that when I have presented reasonably good evidence when asked about an item (as in: "I would like to know if there is any reason to think these bricks are as advertised?"), instead of simply stating "I disagree" like gentlemen, people hack at you about your price and hassle you as if you are a bum peddling garbage rather than a serious collector of AH relics with something interesting to offer that doesn't show up very often.

                  Honestly, I can see why so many older members have left the Forum recently over situations like this.

                  You should know guys that nothing is ever 100% provable. No brick, no cross. We can be MORE sure of some things than others, but there is a degree of trust and faith in every single item. I answered and answered as well as I could the question about why these bricks should be considered authentic, and as STUPID as it is for me to ask some of the people who have posted in this thread to prove that these bricks are authentic, it is equally STUPID for them to ask me for unequivocal proof.
                  Last edited by EKman; 07-02-2008, 10:06 AM.
                  Interested in candid/private Hitler, KIA, and Holocaust photos. Also any AH related memorabilia--silverware, linen, crystal, china...
                  All the best,


                    I believe these are real, Ive been watching service men grab stuff from there since the early 80s. I bet you guys if I go down there and dig up some bricks, photograph myself doing so, I can move them on E bay for more then EK mans bricks.
                    Iam Uncle Sam
                    That’s who Iam
                    Been hiding out
                    In a rock and roll band


                      while youre up there, fill up a bag with "Berghof Dirt" too....

                      I am curious to see what that will bring....


                        Originally posted by TxGauleiter View Post
                        while youre up there, fill up a bag with "Berghof Dirt" too....

                        I am curious to see what that will bring....
                        Sir, when published experts begin including bags of dirt in recognized reference books on legitimate areas of militaria, let me know and then we'll talk about value; until then, keep your mouth shut as it is better to say nothing and be thought a fool than to speak--or type in this case--and remove all doubt.
                        Interested in candid/private Hitler, KIA, and Holocaust photos. Also any AH related memorabilia--silverware, linen, crystal, china...
                        All the best,


                          Originally posted by EKman View Post
                          Sir, when published experts begin including bags of dirt in recognized reference books on legitimate areas of militaria, let me know and then we'll talk about value

                          The same could be said for bricks...


                            Originally posted by TxGauleiter View Post
                            while youre up there, fill up a bag with "Berghof Dirt" too....

                            I am curious to see what that will bring....
                            i got offered cash to dig up kz dirt once. a bit to ghoulish for me.
                            Iam Uncle Sam
                            That’s who Iam
                            Been hiding out
                            In a rock and roll band


                              Originally posted by TxGauleiter View Post
                              The same could be said for bricks...
                              ARE YOU LITERATE?

                              Look at post #6 on page 1! I even posted a scan from Dr. Griffith's book, which is THE recognized authority on AH memorabilia in which he notes that bricks, carpet, and wood were taken from Hitler's home between the years 1945 and 1985.
                              Interested in candid/private Hitler, KIA, and Holocaust photos. Also any AH related memorabilia--silverware, linen, crystal, china...
                              All the best,




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