No Posthumous Awarding of the Blood Order
Additional regulations concerning the conferral of the Blood Order were given by Reichsschatzmeister Schwarz from Munich on August 27, 1938. As printed in the Mitteilungsblatt of Gau Köln-Aachen in October of the same year: "§11 Nach den Bestimmungen des Führers kann der Blutorden an die Hinterbliebenen der im Kampf für die Bewegung ermordeten Parteigenossen nich verliehen werden."
§11 According to regulations of the Führer, the Blood Order cannot be conferred to the survivors of party-members murdered in the fight for the movement.
Additional regulations concerning the conferral of the Blood Order were given by Reichsschatzmeister Schwarz from Munich on August 27, 1938. As printed in the Mitteilungsblatt of Gau Köln-Aachen in October of the same year: "§11 Nach den Bestimmungen des Führers kann der Blutorden an die Hinterbliebenen der im Kampf für die Bewegung ermordeten Parteigenossen nich verliehen werden."
§11 According to regulations of the Führer, the Blood Order cannot be conferred to the survivors of party-members murdered in the fight for the movement.