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SS Germania wedding

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    Very special photos.
    You did well...and you seem inspired by them.
    Welcome to the world of preserving photos. They are more delicate than we sometimes think. To me, they are the hardest items to take care of , other than glass plates.


      Lebenslauf 1
      Attached Files


        Lebenslauf 2
        Attached Files



          Thanks for the added info !



            Superb historic set , in ther first pic is it possible to read what cuftband he is wearing?


              Here are the translations of the Lebenslauf thanks to a good friend over on WRF:


              "Jamlitz, den 18.11.44


              Am 7.3.1920 wurde ich als Sohn des Angestellten Friedrich
              Nürge und dessen Ehefrau Anna, geborene Simm in
              Jeinsen Provinz Hannover geboren.
              Von meinem 6. bis 14. Lebensjahre besuchte ich die Volks-
              schule zu Jeinsen und wurde im Jahre 1934 eingese-
              gnet. Am 1.4.1934 trat ich bei dem Maurermeister
              Ernst Kössing wohnhaft zu Jeinsen in die Lehre um
              das Maurerhandwerk zu erlernen. Nach 3 1/2 jähriger
              Lehrzeit habe ich am 1.10.1937 vor der Baugewerks-
              innung in Springe bei Hannover meine Gesellen-
              prüfung abgelegt und mit gut bestanden. Nach meiner
              Prüfung blieb ich noch ein Jahr bei meinem Lehrmeister
              als Geselle. Dann wechselte ich meine Arbeitsstelle
              und ging zu dem Maurermeister Karl Hunze, wohn-
              haft in Otze Kreis Burgdorf, wo ich bis zum 25.3.40
              beschäftigt war. Am 1.4.1940 trat ich als Kriegsfrei-
              williger in die Waffen-SS-Standarte Wiking ein,
              nahm am Feldzug Frankreich und Rußland teil,
              und wurde mit dem EKII, Ostmedaille 1941/1942,
              Infanteriesturmabzeichen und Verwundetenabzei-
              chen ausgezeichnet. Am 28.02.1942 wurde ich in Rußland
              durch eine MG-Garbe verwundet. Meine Verwun-
              dung besteht aus Durchschuß des rechten Unterarms
              sowie der linken Hand und Unterarmes mit Knochen-
              verletzung und Versteifung der linken Hand.
              Nach 8 monatigem Aufenthalt im Lazarett wurde
              ich mit KVH und Versehrtenstufe II zur Genesungskompanie
              entlassen. Am 25.10.1942 erfolgte meine Versetzung
              zum SS-Wirtschafts-Verwaltungshauptamt in Berlin,
              von dort kam ich zur Bauinspektion Reich Nord.
              Am 18.10.43 wurde ich zur Zentralbauleitung
              [...]* der Waffen-SS und Polizei versetzt, wo
              ich jetzt noch tätig bin.

              Erich Nürge



                "Jamlitz, 18 Nov.44

                Curriculum vitae.

                On 7 March 1920, I was born at Jeinsen in the Province of Hannover as the son of the employee Friedrich Nürge and his wife Anna, neé Simm. From the 6th to the 14th year of my life, I attended the Volksschule* at Jeinsen and had my confirmation in the year of 1934. On 1 April 1934, I began my apprenticeship with the master bricklayer Ernst Kössing, resident at Jeinsen, in order to learn the bricklayer's craft. After 3 1/2 years of apprenticeship, I took my apprenticeship certification exam by the building-trade guild at Springe near Hannover on 1 Oct. 1937, which I passed with "good" results. Following my examination, I remained with my master for another year as a journeyman. After that, I changed my employer and took up work with the master bricklayer Karl Hunze, resident at Otze in the Burgdorf County, where I remained employed up until 25 March 40. On 1 April 1940, I joined the Waffen-SS-Standarte "Wiking" as a war volunteer, participated in the campaigns against France and Russia and was decorated with the Iron Cross 2nd Class, 1941/42 Eastern Campaign Medal, Infantry Assault Badge and Wound Badge. On 28 Feb. 1942, I was wounded by a machine gun burst in Russia. My wounds consist of a through-and-through gunshot wound to the right forearm as well as the left hand and forearm with bone damage and a stiffening of the left hand. After an eight-month stay at the military hospital, I was released to the Reconvalescent Company with the category KVH** and disablement level II. On 25 Oct. 1942, I was transferred to the SS-Wirtschafts-Verwaltungshauptamt*** at Berlin, from where I moved on to the Bauinspektion Reich Nord****.
                On 18 Oct. 43, I was transferred to the Zentralbauleitung [...] der Waffen-SS und Polizei*****, where I am still employed to this day.

                Erich Nürge

                *) elementary school/grade school
                **) KVH = "kriegsverwendungsfähig Heimat", fit for wartime duty in the homeland
                ***) SS-Economy-Administration Main Office
                ****) Construction Inspectorate for the Northern Reich
                *****) Central Construction Administration [...] of the Waffen-SS and Police. I can't quite make out the name of the place; there were a number of these Zentralbauleitungen throughout Germany and the occupied territories.

                So, Nürge's combat decorations seen in the photographs were all from several years back, and, having been found unfit for further deployments, much less active combat dury, he had spent the time from 1942 to 1945 at homeland-/rear area assignments, working in a military occupation where he could apparently put his civilian experience from the construction trade to use. Considering this, he probably had a rather good chance to surive the last months of the war as well.


                  Attached Files


                    Thanks again Mike!!



                      My learned friend on WRF has kindly interpreted the information from the Stammkarte:

                      The Stammkarte adds more biographical data of interest.

                      Nürge had been a member of the Hitler Youth from January 1933 until he changed over to the Allgemeine SS in October 1938, having turned 18 in February of that year. (Contradicting this, the RuS questionnaire has his HJ membership from 1 April 1933 to 1 September 1938.) On 9 November 1938, he also became a member of the Nazi Party. As we already know, he later volunteered for the Waffen-SS, which he joined on 1 April 1940, following an abbreviated tour of duty with the Reichsarbeitsdienst from February to April of that year.

                      His succession of memberships in Nazi organizations - except for the RAD all of a voluntary nature and including more than 7 years prior to his W-SS service - would imply that he was a believer in the Nazi ideology. Yet, he does not mention any of these affiliations in his CV, which is quite unusual for the time and doubly so for an SS member.

                      Interestingly, he does expressly mention his confirmation, and he was, in fact, still a member of the Protestant church ["religiöses Bekenntnis: ev.", i.e. "evangelisch"] when the Stammkarte was last updated, which could have been no earlier than 1942 from the entries. This despite the sometimes considerable pressure for SS men to leave the churches.
                      Still, he did eventually leave the church at some later date, as his RuS questionnaire gives his religion, in the standard SS terminology, as "" ["Gottgläubig"; describing someone who believes in (a) God, but has no church affiliation. The SS was opposed to the churches, in particular the Catholic one, but frowned upon the concept of total Atheism.] His wife's confession is given as Protestant in the RuS questionnaire.

                      Having been called up for duty on 1 April 1940, Nürge took his oath of allegiance on 1 May 1940. A member of the infantry branch, he was also trained as a medic ["Sonderausbildung: S.D.G. Kursus", "S.D.G." meaning "Sanitätsdienstgrad"]. Following basic training, Nürge served in the field from 1 June 1940 until he was wounded on 28 February 1942.

                      He was promoted to Sturmmann on 1 April 1941 and to Rottenführer on 1 September 1941. (His promotion date to Unterscharführer is not listed.)


                        Thanks for showing.Would it be possible to get a close up of the photo in nr 6.I mean the one where you can see the wooden plate and burning candle holder.As a NS/SS cultural enthusiast that interests me



                          Originally posted by Etienne B. View Post
                          Thanks for showing.Would it be possible to get a close up of the photo in nr 6.I mean the one where you can see the wooden plate and burning candle holder.As a NS/SS cultural enthusiast that interests me

                          No problem, I will scan them all eventually and post so we can all appreciate the detail



                            Wow, Nick, super, super fine !!!



                              Merry Christmas...

                              Just a follow-up to these great photos...

                              Do you have a magnifying loupe? It is like a magnifying glass for jewelers. I want to know if you can get close and look at the wooden plate on the tables (I circled the plate in red) to see if any mottos are carved into the ceremonial plates or not.

                              Also, there appears to be a plate standing up on the table behind the seated guests - possibly a gift, also circled in red - can you make out any carvings or runes on that plate?

                              Any carvings or runes on the 2 wooden candleholders?

                              many thanks! Great set of ss wedding photos! I really enjoyed seeing them, and thank you for sharing them!
                              Attached Files


                                Looks like he survivd the war, the Volksbund does not list him. But it seems he lost his brother in Russia:

                                Nachname(Last Name): Nürge
                                Vorname(First Name): Heinrich
                                Dienstgrad(grade): Unteroffizier
                                Geburtsdatum(DOB): 09.07.1910
                                Geburtsort(birthplace): Jeinsen
                                Todes-/Vermisstenort(area): Makejewka,KGL 280




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