Could some good soldier from the Fatherland please translate the following for me.It appears on a RK winners statement of service from "Der Bundesminister fur Verteidigung" and is dated 27 June 1957.
Vorschlag eingegangen: 25.3.1945
Vorschlag weitergereicht: 30.3.1945
Vorschlag befurwortet: ja
Das Ritterkreuz verliehen am: 5.4.1945
Vorl.Bes.Zeugn.u.Ausz.ab am 11.4.1945 an:H.Gr.G
I appreciate it that the first three lines relate to the progression up the line of his award recommendation but the abbreviated last line has me stumped.The dates of the award progression are interesting as he was captured by the Americans on 26.3.1945....the award ceremony must have been an interesting one!Thanks for your help.
Mike Downey (Australia)
Vorschlag eingegangen: 25.3.1945
Vorschlag weitergereicht: 30.3.1945
Vorschlag befurwortet: ja
Das Ritterkreuz verliehen am: 5.4.1945
Vorl.Bes.Zeugn.u.Ausz.ab am 11.4.1945 an:H.Gr.G
I appreciate it that the first three lines relate to the progression up the line of his award recommendation but the abbreviated last line has me stumped.The dates of the award progression are interesting as he was captured by the Americans on 26.3.1945....the award ceremony must have been an interesting one!Thanks for your help.
Mike Downey (Australia)