In #190, it is a document for a Bulgarian order St. Alexander.
We Boris III, by the God's mercy and people's will King of the Bulgarians, as a sign of our special goodwill, award the machine conductor /Ob.-Maschinist/ from the German training cruiser "Emden" Walther Bruggemann with the Silver Cross of our Order St. Alexander /I guess it's the 5th grade/.
We order to be given to him the present diploma with seal. ........Signed by the Chancellor of the Orders.
We Boris III, by the God's mercy and people's will King of the Bulgarians, as a sign of our special goodwill, award the machine conductor /Ob.-Maschinist/ from the German training cruiser "Emden" Walther Bruggemann with the Silver Cross of our Order St. Alexander /I guess it's the 5th grade/.
We order to be given to him the present diploma with seal. ........Signed by the Chancellor of the Orders.