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Gross Deutschland Ek1 Cert w citation on reverse

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    Gross Deutschland Ek1 Cert w citation on reverse

    Following this thread I've decided to put bigger scans and a translation of a handwritten citation on the reverse a ek1 urkunde that I just purchased from a very nice forum member.


    Rough Translation reads as follows:

    6-4-45 Lt.J. was in position with his platoon at the south entrance of Hopsten* . He had orders, to defend the bridge behind him under all circumstances, as well as the access road to the bridge, as it was the only possibility for the enemy to advance to the North and North east.
    The enemy attacked the small bridgehead with 6 tanks, supported by heavy artillery and Infantry forces. This attack and the following 4 attacks were beaten-off, till the platoon ran out of ammunition, and the enemy succeeded to enter the right wing of the platoons position.
    Lt.J. recognised the danger, and counter-attacked with 2 men, loudly shouting "Hurrah" (?) ,and managed to prevent the break-through and threw back the enemy, who left 42 killed soldiers behind!. This courageous close-combat action prevented the rolling-up by the enemy of the German positions.

    *Western Germany, appr 40kms from the Dutch Border,North of Wesel, near Borken
    Last edited by bratwurstdimsum; 07-27-2006, 08:10 AM.

    I have found out more information about the allied attackers now, it turned out to be no less that Monty's desert rats!

    I have put together a webpage on the subject now along with a few choice screenshots from Google Earth on my website



      Many thanks for sharing!

      That was a very fascinating read.

      One very minor nitpick, though:

      The translation is missing the "[...]riss mit mit diesem Hurra seinen Zug nach vorne [...]" bit.

      "with this Hurra he managed to sweep his platoon along into the fight" (unfortunately I don't really have a good translation for 'mitreissen')

      BTW, would you be interested in what the "History of the Panzerkorps Großdeutschland" has to say on this event?



        Folkert, thanks, no, nitpicking is good, feel free to make any comments you wish..I'll add you to my list of credits!

        mitreissen = "drag along", where did you see this? While you're at it I've noticed a "H.K.6" in the 4th last line...what is that?

        "History of the Panzerkorps Großdeutschland" - I would love to hear what the book has to say...thanks

        Originally posted by Folkert D.
        Many thanks for sharing!

        That was a very fascinating read.

        One very minor nitpick, though:

        The translation is missing the "[...]riss mit mit diesem Hurra seinen Zug nach vorne [...]" bit.

        "with this Hurra he managed to sweep his platoon along into the fight" (unfortunately I don't really have a good translation for 'mitreissen')

        BTW, would you be interested in what the "History of the Panzerkorps Großdeutschland" has to say on this event?



          Delayed, but not forgotten!

          My apology for taking so long, but it got pushed back a bit once I discovered I had loaned out the last tome of the GD history to a friend. After callling him to return it, I somehow never got around to posting here accordingly. Sorry!!!

          1. "mitreissen = "drag along", where did you see this?" - I am very sorry about this as it is not a literal part of text. I had somehow latched onto it because it's quite synonymous to "mit nach vorne reissen" which can be found right after the "Hurra" calls: "[...] riß mit diesem Hurra seinen Zug nach vorne [...]".

          2. "H.K.6" - Just a quirk of the handwriting. It is a capital "L", making it H.K.L = Hauptkampflinie (Main front line), usually it's written without any dots.

          3. The "History of the Panzerkorps Großdeutschland" cites a report by the battailon commander of II./Regiment Poeschmann, Hauptmann Erdmann, written on April 17th:

          "[...] Ebenso ergebnislos erlief die Aufklärung am Morgen des 6. April 1945 bis gegen 10.30.

          Um diese Zeit schoß sich der Feind mit Artillerie aus Richtung Dreierwalde auf die Kirche, damit auf die Ortsmitte und auf den gesamten Abschnitt des Bataillons ein. Zur gleichen Zeit meldete das 1. Battaillon, das flankierend and der Straße nach Dreierwalde lag, die Annäherung von 6 Panzern und einigen SPW, die aus Richtung Dreierwalde gegen den Südwestausgang des Ortes vorrollten. Die Annäherung dieser gepanzerten Teile bedeutete für den rechten Flügel des Bataillons die erste Feindberührung. Nach anfänglichem Artilleriefeuer, das nunmehr restlos auf die HKL ging, versuchte der Feind im ersten Anprall den Südwestausgang des Dorfes in seine Hand zu bekommen. Unter Abschuß von 2 Sherman wurder dieser Angriff restlos abgeschlagen. Daraufhin löste sich der Feind, griff aber bereits 3/4 Stunde später mit abgesessener Infanterie und unter dem Schutz von Panzer-MG. erneut am rechten Flügel, klar die Nahtstelle zwischem I. und II. Bataillon erkennend.

          Auch dieser Angriff wurder restlos abgeschlagen, nur hatte die 5. Kompanie erhebliche Verluste, mit Masse durch Artillerie- und Panzer-MG.-Feuer.

          Durch diese Verluste wurde der rechte Flügel der 5. Kompanie erheblich geschwächt, so daß ein erneuter Feind-Angriff Erflog hatte. Unter dem Schutz der aufgefahrenen Feind-Panzer drang die Infanterie am rechten Flügel der Kompanie in die HKL ein und machte 2 Gefangene.

          Eigene Artillerie erfaßte die Lage und deckte die feindlichen Panzer mit gut liegendem Feuer ein, was diese veranlaßte, sich von der Infanterie nach Süden abzusetzen.

          Diesen Augenblick benutzte Leutnant Järschke, um mit 2 Mann unter Hurra einen Gegenstoss an seinem bedrohten Flügel zu machen, riß damit seine Männer, die sich restlos verschossen, aber tapfer in ihren Löchern ausgehalten und die "Wacht am Rhein" gesungen hatten, mit nach vorn und bereinigte im Nahkampf die Einbruchstelle. Er stellte die eigene HKL wieder her. Bei diesem Kampf blieben 42 gezählte Tote vom Feinde zurück. [...]"

          I just love the bolded part! The GD men were without ammo, but at least they stayed in their fox-holes and sang the "Wacht am Rhein".

          I have not yet translated the excerpt, since I didn't know if you wouldn't prefer to read the original german rather than my butchered English. (And I got the feeling you wouldn't really need it.) But if you would want one, I can do so tomorrow (might take me a bit of time).




            Thank you very much for that! The dragged along part I got from a online translator which is usualy quite good at translating german in particular, however when I put your whole transcript into it, it wasn't happy

            If you have time I would really like your interperetation/translation of the text and thank you very much for your contribution!



              Congrats on a very nice document!


                Originally posted by F L Clemens View Post
                Yes, it is Glaesemer. The "l" is quite small in his signature, but it is there. I don't have a full name on him,
                I found a picture of Glaesemer, the caption was :

                Oberst Wolfgang Glaesemer

                RK Awarded 02/12/1943
                as Kommandeur of Panzergrenadier Regiment 6, 7 Panzerdivision

                This must be our man surely?
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