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    Well, that is all for tonight!

    I would like anyone who would, to confirm or identify the General in #3 and #4. He looks like Guderian to me.

    I still need the Ritterkreuztrager identified in pics #8, 9 and 10. Also RK winners (and General) in #54 and #55. Someone (sharp eye) already pointed out that an onfficer in the center foreground, #55, has a cavalry device on his cap.

    The General in photos #65, 66 and 67 still needs a name. The writting on the reverse indicates that the General is the Division commander, 1942.

    I would like to thank those that helped me identify Hogebeck, Glasner and Obstfelder! That is much appreciated.
    Last edited by Mark Mac; 11-18-2005, 07:53 PM.


      Well Folks! A few more nice photos and a few more that will be here shortly.

      First up is another photo of one of my favorites -

      General Heinz Guderian! Why he was not a Field Marshal I do not know... I got this from another member! Thanks!
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        Field Marshal Kluge Gunter von Kluge. Not very well liked by Guderian! Very nice image showing the field marshal pennant on the commanders car. Another General holding the door for him.
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          Another General/Ritterkreuztrager. I am not sure of the name. I may be mistaken but Aktinium may have had some photos of this General. The name starts with a B. He became very ill and died in 1942 if my memory is corret. Perhaps Aktinium can save me on this and confirm.

          In any event, this guy appears to be sickly as his uniform looks to be too large. His cap also looks to be a little loose above his left ear.

          Aktinium I will be sending you a PM.

          I found the name, if this is really him. General Arnold Freiherr von Biegeleben, commander of the 6th Infantry Division and awarded the RK on 5 August 1940. Can anyone confirm?
          Attached Files
          Last edited by Mark Mac; 11-29-2005, 10:00 PM.


            Another nice portrait of a Heer enlisted man. IAB and wound badge in silver
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              Last tonight is a photo of a Gebirgsjager troop with machinegun! Nice photo from the side of a mountain!
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                Originally posted by Mark Mac
                Field Marshal Kluge Gunter von Kluge. Not very well liked by Guderian! Very nice image showing the field marshal pennant on the commanders car. Another General holding the door for him.

                You are wrong. He is not von Kluge, but Generalfeldmarschall Fedor von BOCK




                  Originally posted by Mark Mac
                  Another General/Ritterkreuztrager. I am not sure of the name. I may be mistaken but Aktinium may have had some photos of this General. The name starts with a B. He became very ill and died in 1942 if my memory is corret. Perhaps Aktinium can save me on this and confirm.

                  In any event, this guy appears to be sickly as his uniform looks to be too large. His cap also looks to be a little loose above his left ear.

                  Aktinium I will be sending you a PM.

                  I found the name, if this is really him. General Arnold Freiherr von Biegeleben, commander of the 6th Infantry Division and awarded the RK on 5 August 1940. Can anyone confirm?
                  Hi, again!

                  Mark, I´m sure 100%. The general with cap is General der Artillerie Herbert LOCH (RK on 16.06.1940). To the left, Generalfeldmarschall Maximilian Freiherr von WEICHS.

                  Kind regards,




                    I personally cannot see enough of the facial features of the Field Marshal to be sure. I am going by the writing on the reverse. You think the General with the cap, standing outside the car is LOCH and the man with his back to the camera with no cap is FM von Weichs?

                    Here is the reverse of the photo. The General FM is clear. The name looks like Kluge to me but there is something strange about it. Perhaps added post war by someone or not very clear writing, or a mistake? This photo passed the black light test.

                    Anyone else with a guess or comment?
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                      Last edited by Mark Mac; 03-03-2006, 12:50 PM.


                        Very nice photo's, thanks for sharing!


                          My pleasure! I enjoy sharing these photos and looking at all the fantastic photos that others seem to find. There are some great images on this forum alone. Why have a part of history and lock it away in a drawer?

                          Still looking for some answers to several of the RK holders/Generals identities!

                          Thanks for the help from those that were identified here by members!


                            A few more photos to view!

                            The first is another favorite - Generaloberst Hermann Hoth on the Russian Front!
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                              Generaloberst Ewald von Kleist and Generalmajor Faeckenstedt in 1942.
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                                Next is a Luftwaffe Ritterkreuztrager. Any help? He is an Oberlt. and has the EK1, pilots badge, and a flying clasp with hanger.
                                Attached Files


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