Aas part of my history of the 357. ID, I have run across quite a few Feldpostbriefe from Hauptmann Eugen Besemer with the Feldersatz Batl 357 and later (as of Sept 1944) Stab / Grenadier Regiment 946.
In his letter he talks about equipping "his" Bataillon, waiting for the new recruits to arrive, ect.
I know the Hauptmann (RKT) Otto Hafner eventually lead the Feldersatz Batl, but would like to know if anyone can tell me anything about Besemer.
On the Volksbund site I found the following:
Name: Eugen Besemer
Dienstgrad: Hauptmann
Geburtsdatum: 30.09.1913
Todes-/Vermisstendatum: 13.02.1945
Todes-/Vermisstenort: Wieschont/Kattowitz (bei), ca. 11 km westl. v. Bielsko-Biala
I assume this is the man I am looking for, but have no other information about him. sort of writing the WASt and waiting for an answer from his town of birth (looking for relatives), I am at a dead end. Further to this I have the attached document to the Leutnant of the FEB and the document is sign by a Major and Batl Kdr (can any read this signature?) who I cannot identify.
Thank you!
Aas part of my history of the 357. ID, I have run across quite a few Feldpostbriefe from Hauptmann Eugen Besemer with the Feldersatz Batl 357 and later (as of Sept 1944) Stab / Grenadier Regiment 946.
In his letter he talks about equipping "his" Bataillon, waiting for the new recruits to arrive, ect.
I know the Hauptmann (RKT) Otto Hafner eventually lead the Feldersatz Batl, but would like to know if anyone can tell me anything about Besemer.
On the Volksbund site I found the following:
Name: Eugen Besemer
Dienstgrad: Hauptmann
Geburtsdatum: 30.09.1913
Todes-/Vermisstendatum: 13.02.1945
Todes-/Vermisstenort: Wieschont/Kattowitz (bei), ca. 11 km westl. v. Bielsko-Biala
I assume this is the man I am looking for, but have no other information about him. sort of writing the WASt and waiting for an answer from his town of birth (looking for relatives), I am at a dead end. Further to this I have the attached document to the Leutnant of the FEB and the document is sign by a Major and Batl Kdr (can any read this signature?) who I cannot identify.
Thank you!