I've acquired a CD with Feldpostnummers. It will be a while until i get to work it out but im picking a number at random and seeing what i can gleam from it. Perhaps the experts in here can help me in finding my way initially.
(30.7.1941-28.2.1942) 4. Kompanie Schützen-Regiment 13,
thus between those dates the FPN would have belonged to Mot Inf/Pz Gr Reg 13, 4th Company, 5th Panzer Division.
Am i interpreting the data correctly. According to the listing the Regiment kept the same number until the wars end, but adopted by he 5th Company as from 25.11.44
many thanks
(30.7.1941-28.2.1942) 4. Kompanie Schützen-Regiment 13,
thus between those dates the FPN would have belonged to Mot Inf/Pz Gr Reg 13, 4th Company, 5th Panzer Division.
Am i interpreting the data correctly. According to the listing the Regiment kept the same number until the wars end, but adopted by he 5th Company as from 25.11.44
many thanks