It Is Sad That The Discussion In This Thread Is Basically Dealing With Money And Not The Object. If I See Something I Would Like To Add To The Collection, I Buy It As Long As The Price Is Within My Budget. Many Times I Have Paid A Price That Would Be Considered " More Than It Is Worth." In Some Cases The Value Has Risen. In Other Areas, It Has Not. I Do Not Buy As An Investment. There Is No Material Collectable That Anyone Can Count On For Turning A Profit In The Future. The Collecting Community Has Numerous Examples Of Items Rising Rapidly In Price And Then Falling In Value Only, Maybe Never To Recoup The Value Paid. A-2 Flight Jackets Is A Good Example. There Were Two Major Buyers In The Market 15 Year Ago. A Great A-2 Could Bring 5k At The Time. Then, They Stopped Buying And Dumped Their Collections, Today, It Is Difficult To Achieve Half That Price. If A Person Is Lucky Enough To Buy Something Right And Has The Ability To Turn It For A Profit, Who Are We To Judge Him. This Is A Place To Learn, Not Adhere To The Values Of The Moral Police.
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Honor goblet on estand
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we all do its kept for 10 minutes or 10 years,If he wants to sell it then thats his choice as to price also his decision.Hell I am a serious collector also but I have bought items and sold the for 200% profit before hitting the end of an Aisle.There is no law on what I am allowed to make on an item so get of the Soapbox.If someone tells me a price and I decide to buy it then so be it.
By the way Its a SUPER find...Congrats and Good luck on the sale.
Originally posted by Bill W. View Post
Is this a good one? Also did this not sell one week ago for $4100 (less than one half the price) on The Collector's Guild site? If so, that is quite a mark up for one week.
What a question ("is this a good one?") if you are stating that you own a few goblets from RKT....
Bill, This was the response I got on 1st April, after I had informed on 31st March. I ordered it immediately. So, it was not sold last week but almost a month earlier!! Please look when I posted pictures on the DKiG grouping (12th April). Last week It arrived in Holland (at the airport).
I dont hope that you would call me a lyer. This is really a non- discussion with you, so I am done with it.
Hi Martin
The collector I had this reserved for has just informed me that he can not come up with the payment.
I have transfered the hold to you as you where next in line. Please let me know if you would like a total with shipping.
Please let me know soon as there are several other collectors asking about it as well.
When your time permits
Warmest Regards
Peter Whamond
This thread reminds me of the the thread last month about that member who scored a hemet on Ebay and then listed it on the E-stand at 100% mark up.
Basically, there sentiments expressed mirrored those that are coming up here. There is a camp that expouses "the spirit of the E-stand" and decries collectors who "gouge" other collectors. Then there is the camp that advocates the "free market economy" and "capitalism" and "the free will of sellers" to do what they want on the E-stand and decries any adherence to any kind of a "moral standard" or "ethical spirit" on the E-stand.
Perhaps naively, I belonged to the former camp. But I'm a quick learner. And when it comes to the E-stand, I am beginning to learn that there is no "community of collectors." There is no "spirit of the E-stand." It's a dog-eat-dog business and anything goes.
Hey, as the sole bread winner in my family (I'm a public school that's not much bread), with a baby daughter, and a mortgage to pay every month, I am always looking for ways to make a buck. Don't get me wrong.
But when I have something to sell, nothing pleases me more than offering a piece to another collector, especially a young collector or a new collector, at a price below market value but that I am comfortable with.
I scored a nice M40 SD last month for $470 on the E-stand. If I want to pass along a good deal to a young collector, why would I list that helmet for the same price? So some helmet buyer can come along and grab a nice deal and then sell it for $300 profit? No. I'll just jack up the price myself. To heck with new collectors! I also scored a nice LAH group last month. I'm thinking about breaking that up for a profit as well. = $$$$
Hey, as I said...this TR business is a dog-eat-dog world....and I'm wearing Milkbone underwear!
Dear Bill,
I can not see how you can say Martin is gouging a collector. He is asking a fair price for the piece. What he paid for it is immaterial. Had he bought the piece 5 years ago for $4100 and doubled his money would you be complaining? Is he obligated to sell it for a "bargain" because he got it for a bargain or because this is a site for collectors? NO.
One could also argue that this goblet is BELOW market value and that it could be sold for $10K; so in fact Martin is letting the next buyer get this piece for $2K under price. Now would you be complaining.
If you bought an RK at a antique store for $200 and decided to sell it what would you ask for it?
Gary BANA LM #1201868, OMSA LM #60, OVMS LM #8348
When I find a piece that I want to add to my collection, I buy it. I don't care if the seller paid 1¢ or a million dollars, if the selling price is acceptable to me. What do I care what he paid for it? How about all of the stuff looted by GIs--should they give it away because they didn't pay for it?
If anything, consider their profit a 'finder's fee' that you are paying for the privilege of adding the item to your collection.
ErichFestina lente!
I think its just funny, if we hadn't know the original price then what would the big deal be?? So what he made a sweet buy and is turning it. It doesn't matter what his motive is, its nice that he is doing it to get other groupings of more interest to him, but really whats the biggie? A good deal is a good deal end of story in my eyes. Matt
This thread is insane
Iff Detlef Niemann saw the sale that Martin bought at collector's guild .
And he sell's it tomorrow for 10K , not a DOG will say something .
And realize that you will be too late afther ,,, put in the basket ,,, afther 10 min
But breaking Martin here with he's research and knowledge about the recipient , and now making he's WELL EARNED PROFIT .
Sound's like GREED ........
Shut up and let Martin complete he's sale ,,,
By the way , IMO Martin your sale is Fu++ed up by this thread .
It is a shame
I can't believe that this piece has not been sold yet! Post after post of people singing what a great price it is. It has been said that some will pay whatever it takes to get the items they want.
Yet after all this the piece remains unsold. All I see is a lot of artificial price inflation. After all, the items are only worth what someone will actually pay for them, not some abstract number invented by a dealer or collector.
best wishes,
jeffLooking for a 30 '06 Chauchat magazine.
Originally posted by Jeff V View PostI can't believe that this piece has not been sold yet! Post after post of people singing what a great price it is. It has been said that some will pay whatever it takes to get the items they want.
Yet after all this the piece remains unsold. All I see is a lot of artificial price inflation. After all, the items are only worth what someone will actually pay for them, not some abstract number invented by a dealer or collector.
best wishes,
Just because something has not sold does not mean it is over priced. If you go to the e-stand now there are many items that remain unsold despite being offered at market price or perhaps even under market price...
Surprisingly this forum does not consitute everyone who collects militaria....
So how would you price this piece Jeff? His buying price is irrelevent.
Gary BANA LM #1201868, OMSA LM #60, OVMS LM #8348
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