Personally I think as Mr Coleman does. He is a wise man.
I see nothing wrong with making a profit. If an individual is so wealthy that he can give less fortunate collectors deals on great items, Many blessings upon his head. In my particular case I am not rich and when I buy something and I can make a profit when I decide to sell that is called capitalism. To me that is a GOOD THING. No body is paying the gentleman in question bills but him. While we all want to be buddies nobody is obligated to be a fool when it comes to money. ( Lots of Scotch blood in my family.) There is no foul in this particular play boys. None at all. As far as dooms day predictions about prices I have heard this before. It is like the fellow on the street walking around with a sign that says "THE END IS NEAR". Don't hold your breath. It sure as hell hasn't happened with American Civil War items. People in the US have been collecting that material a heck of a lot longer than Nazi stuff. Bummers caps for $3000.00 with moth holes. I have bought them for 20 bucks and sold them for 50 many times in the past. But the ones I have held on to that I paid $20.00 for damn sure won't be sold for 50 and I do not care whose feelings it might hurt. Neither will the 10 dollar German helmets I bought 35 years ago. When my Falshirmjager and SS helmets come up for sale they will be at top prices regardless of what I paid for them and I bet they will sell also. What is it those French boys say? Se la Vie. (My French is terrible. ) I sure do think French girls are pretty though. Both my Grandfathers (WWI vets) had high regards for them.
I see nothing wrong with making a profit. If an individual is so wealthy that he can give less fortunate collectors deals on great items, Many blessings upon his head. In my particular case I am not rich and when I buy something and I can make a profit when I decide to sell that is called capitalism. To me that is a GOOD THING. No body is paying the gentleman in question bills but him. While we all want to be buddies nobody is obligated to be a fool when it comes to money. ( Lots of Scotch blood in my family.) There is no foul in this particular play boys. None at all. As far as dooms day predictions about prices I have heard this before. It is like the fellow on the street walking around with a sign that says "THE END IS NEAR". Don't hold your breath. It sure as hell hasn't happened with American Civil War items. People in the US have been collecting that material a heck of a lot longer than Nazi stuff. Bummers caps for $3000.00 with moth holes. I have bought them for 20 bucks and sold them for 50 many times in the past. But the ones I have held on to that I paid $20.00 for damn sure won't be sold for 50 and I do not care whose feelings it might hurt. Neither will the 10 dollar German helmets I bought 35 years ago. When my Falshirmjager and SS helmets come up for sale they will be at top prices regardless of what I paid for them and I bet they will sell also. What is it those French boys say? Se la Vie. (My French is terrible. ) I sure do think French girls are pretty though. Both my Grandfathers (WWI vets) had high regards for them.