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Adolf Glunz grouping in the next Hermann Historica Auction

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    I have no doubts it's a good period cross and probably attributed as presented.

    I needed someone else to declare this cross the same, and of course it is.

    A June '44 cross from a die badly in need of repair.

    Beading irregularities completely visible without microscope.

    A great cross to be exhibited at exactly the right time.
    Last edited by Brian S; 03-12-2008, 11:37 AM.


      Originally posted by Robert T. View Post
      Glunz's RK..

      Have a look at post #240 of this thread;http://dev.wehrmacht-awards.com/foru...=38279&page=16.


      Yes, please do have a look...


        I did (together with a friend of mine) some research on Addi Glunz.

        This article will be published in the OdR- magazine "Das Ritterkreuz". I want it to share with you.

        Its only written in german !



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            Last edited by mdj; 03-12-2008, 03:15 PM. Reason: .


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                  So are these your items that you have for consignment at Hermann Historia???



                    It is interesting to read this thread here on WAF, and seeing the believers and non-believers, the one shouting harder than the other.

                    Often I see groups I don't believe in at all.

                    I will try to make some things clear here.
                    English isn't my mother's tongue, and I know that I will many mistakes in it.

                    Together with Martin I wrote the Gluzn article for the OdR magazine, and the photos in it are from my collection, as are the ones showed by Martin in this thread, the signed photos and the b/w with his FW190, #6, #8, #14.

                    I knew Addi and his wife Iris for many years and did have a fine contact with them.
                    Visited Addi a couple of times at his home.
                    During my first visit Addi signed some photos of his awards and gave them to me, some of those photos are shown here by Martin.

                    His wartime material was sold to a german dealer, but - and this is perhaps the most important part of the story - Addi wanted to have something as a rememberance to what he ones earned during the war as a fighter pilot and still kept after the war.
                    So all his awards were photographed with a red background, Wehrpaß and Flugbuch were serox photocopied, and many photos he liked were reproduced.

                    I know that when you look at the material that will be up for auction, that it isn't that much and that it can be put together very easily, but one must know that there is a lot of material missing here !
                    What was sold to the dealer was: the material show on the auction photo, further on: Ehrenpokal, Wehrpaß, 2 Flugbücher, NSFK Ausweis with uniform photo, award documents, letters, congratulation letters and telegrams, photo-album with pre war / war time and from his post war time photos in it.
                    So the group was much larger !

                    Addi phoned me just before he and Iris were moving to another home, and he told me that some material surfaced from boxes, cupboards, chest of drawers, etc.
                    So I went to his home and what he showed me were: his named Netzkopfhaube, Dreieckrechner, Flugzeugführer Abz.i.Stoff, some other cloth uniform items, newspaperclippings, Brüsseler Zeitung he was in, Der Adler magazines he was in, box with photos, material from his time as a Rennfahrer in the 50ties such as race car trophies and prices.....and a used and worn L.12 RK with a juweller or perhaps workshop made EL.

                    Addi told me that he did sent his awarded RK to his father for safe keeping and that he did the same with his EL, so that is the reason why they are in a nearly mint condition.
                    The set he was wearing during the war was a replacement set and that set is the one shown on the b/w photo where he is wearing a Schirmmütze and a leather coat.

                    Well I do still have some Addi material in my collection, the one who bought the entire above mentioned group from the dealer wasn't interested in the Flugbuch, and I was very happy being able to buy such a fantastic historical document.
                    From Addi: his Flugzeugführer Abz.i.Stoff, some other cloth uniform items, Der Adler magazines, Brüsseler Zeitung, wartime and postwar photos, signed repros, newspaperclippings and books from his own small library.

                    Later his NSFK / Luftwaffe pilot training flightbook was for sale at Hüsken so I bought that one too.

                    I would love to buy the material that will be up for auction, but the sad thing is that I don't have the money for it.

                    I don't care what others say about the material......for me the material is the original material from Addi.

                    yours friendly


                    Addi may you rest in peace.


                      I think you misunderstand the conversation sir. No one is shouting. We are looking very purposely here determine the origin of this S&L cross for a very important reason.

                      Perhaps if you read the threads you will understand that there is some know facts about RKs from S&L.

                      The first fact is that the RK die went into very bad disrepair. This is a fact.

                      If you look at the cross that you say from Glunz's awarded cross you will see that the cross exhibits die flaws of a nature that are visible to the naked eye.

                      Shortly after the die began failing S&L repaired the die. Another fact.

                      The great unknown, and this is important to many people who own S&L crosses, is WHEN was the die repaired.

                      If this cross was Glunz's award RK, and I see no reason to disbelieve you, so perhaps you jumping to conclusions here about "shouting", then this cross places the S&L die failure at a date fully one year plus before the end of the war.

                      This leads me to conclude S&L REPAIRED THE DIE IN 1944.

                      This leads me to conclude S&L produced many "B" Type RKs before war's end.

                      All this from what I will believe from you, as a fact, that this is indeed Glunz's cross.

                      And, why wouldn't it be? He clearly had what looks like a Juncker RK w/Oaks. So, which award would he photograph and use as a postcard to sign autographs, I would conclude, his awarded RK and oaks.

                      So, thank you Eric-Jan Bakker for this information.
                      Last edited by Brian S; 03-12-2008, 10:51 PM. Reason: unintentional misspelling of Eric's name


                        Brian S.

                        Sir and Mr. sounds so authoritarian.

                        Before I was asked to become a moderator I was simply Eric JB, but a mod must show his surname.

                        I am no RK or EL expert, more a document collector.

                        English isn't my mother's tongue: so your PM with : "You seem to either not understand English very well or you have misread one of my posts?" wasn't really a surprise to me, although I mentioned the problems with my english in my posting.

                        Well what I wrote concerning the Glunz material is the truth, what I saw at Addi's home with my own eyes and what Addi told to me himself.

                        Nothing more nothing less.

                        We have to do with the story and the photos, Addi is no longer with us.
                        Martin showed my photos (sent photos to him to make a choise for the OdR magazine article) of the awarded RK and EL and the set he was wearing during the war.

                        There aren't any better or sharper photos.

                        For the sake of history I am happy with the story and these shown photos I have.
                        No photos are reworked, no text like "don't copy" or "....collection" placed over them - it is as it is.

                        "Expelled by Mr. Eric-Jan Bakker" sounds a bit overheated, and why should I expell you - do you have any idea for me, maybe you can help me with that as my english isn't as good as I want it to be.

                        Remember, Eric (yes with a C and not with a K), or Eric-Jan will be fine for me, Mr. or Sir is just too much honour, although I clearly understand that you use it to offend me.

                        yours friendly



                          I particularly want to believe your story, and have no reason not to believe your story, and I do believe your story. So you see, I am not being offensive. I believe you are relating honestly what you know.

                          My comments, read again perhaps, is the significance this cross brings to the whole S&L die affair. It's an important discovery which I took to the other thread because of its significance.

                          Mention only your English because you seem to be reading my remarks as offensive which they are not. Your comment, "the believers and non-believers, the one shouting harder than the other," is undeserved of any of us. We are discussing your cross, no one shouting or making accusations.

                          The cross of Herr Glunz brings a new light to the S&L die mystery. I applaud the timing of your photos and am personally very thankful.

                          As I said I believe you...entirely, without question, that you are relating what you were told and I have no reason to believe what you were told was faulty. Being the son of a German Wehrmacht Veteran who to this day remembers clearly, I believe too that Herr Glunz related his information to you clearly and accurately.

                          So thank you Eric for the clear photos. If any of the cross photos exist in your hands that present us with a more clear picture of the 3 o'clock arm, it would further give us more information and history than we have to date on an early flawed S&L cross.

                          Again, thank you Eric. No disrespect intended. Any further detail on the 3 o'clock would benefit the collective knowledge of this forum.


                            5 o'clock in the morning here, time to get some sleep !

                            End of the Glunz material history story for now.

                            yours friendly



                              Eric-Jan Bakker, why don't you now summarize what you now know about this grouping? I believe your statements about time awarded etc. have changed.
                              Last edited by Brian S; 03-16-2008, 08:56 PM.


                                Originally posted by Brian S View Post
                                Eric-Jan Bakker, why don't you now summarize what you now know about this grouping? I believe your statements about time awarded etc. have changed. Nicht?

                                Brian S already red this reply from me on the Iron Cross section, now he is asking the same here on this forum, who knows for what reason.
                                He still wants to hear from me - over and over again, ...... I really think that he likes to read my postings/replies.

                                No Brain S., No my statement about Addi's time awarded etc. didn't have changed at all - No "Nicht" ! as in Dutch it is "Niet", Nicht is still German to me.
                                I still stand for what I wrote on the two forums !!!, as that is what Addi told me, nothing more - nothing less, I see no need to change HIS story.
                                But what I wrote on the Iron Cross section will be posted here on this Luftwaffe forum also.

                                So for Brian S., and maybe some others who didn't red it on the Iron Cross forum, here is the thread I posted there.

                                And please Brian S., don't take me and this Addi / Adolf Glunz thread from forum to forum !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, two is enough, don't you think.
                                And please stop sending PMs to me.


                                This evening Martin phoned me and we did have a long discussion over the phone.....and now I see a part of my answers over the phone back here on WAF

                                He told me about the statement written by Addi, as he received a photo of it from Hermann Historika.
                                I asked him about the typing, what typewriter, the font / characters that were used.....and from his answer I know that it wasn't written or typed by the old fighter pilot himself.
                                I now see the statement posted here by Martin...for the first time.

                                I have some old letter from the 90ties that Addi wrote to me and typed on his old typewriter, old and worn inkribbon.
                                His letters do have light and dark parts for the characters / font, and are just ordinary - nothing special font / characters.
                                And there isn't a letter from Addi without a typing error in it.

                                The statement is just too crisp and clear, too fancy font.......not Addi's at all.

                                I can see a part from what Addi told me about his awards back in the statements, but not all of it.

                                Dave you are right, the statement looks if it is made up for the collectors market, but not by Addi......he only signed it.
                                But I can tell you that those two signatures on the statement are without doubt 100% original Glunz ones.

                                Yes Addi was ill, even before he was selling his material.
                                Ill, but still with some wartime rememberance, and the best remembered were his wartime highlights.

                                Addi told me that he sold his material to a german collector.
                                Let we call him a so called collector or "collector" as that man went from vet to vet.

                                Some one says that Glunz would sign such a statement for some extra money.....no way !!!
                                Addi didn't sign everything that was placed under his nose !!!
                                Extra money for who ? - not for Addi but for the "collector"

                                That statement wasn't typed on Addi's typewriter, and wasn't typed at his home.
                                The "collector" made it and Addi only had to sign it.

                                See a couple of pages back, there I wrote what the group included, all medals/awards etc.
                                Addi told me that he received 5000 Deutsch Mark for his wartime material.
                                No gentlemen no typing error made here by me, 5000 DM (Five Zero Zero Zero) !

                                Addi sold his material late 1992 and in 1993 the so called collector sold it again, so who was making money here ..... not Addi but that "collector" was.
                                No I will not say who the "collector" is, he is still in business, has his own internet shop, hunting down those old man, and was (is ?) also on waf as a member.

                                Addi was a real gentleman till the end.

                                Yes I saw his L/12 RK - without 800 mark, and an EL that was for sure not an official version but something made by a jewellery or craftsman......more a piece of metal that says "I like to look as an EL".
                                It is the set shown on the photo with the Schirmmütze and the leather coat.
                                So why the statement says that it was lost at the end of the war ?

                                Addi did have photos from JG.26 meeting he attended, photos of Addi sitting at a table......and in front of him a nearly mint RK in a mint box, and a nearly mint EL in a mint box, both with a mint ribbon in it.
                                I would love to have those photos now, not only for my Addi's file but also for you waf members.

                                Last note: please know and understand that english isn't my mother's tongue.

                                yours friendly

                                Last edited by Eric-Jan Bakker; 03-16-2008, 09:15 PM.


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