This is a little bit of a sticky question ,however I'm curious as to what you guys are into as far as authenticating. We all use referance books, advise from others we trust ect... That's not really what I'm asking I.E. I have,in my years of collecting come across some very convincing pieces,meaning evrything matches up to what is believed to be an original, but lets say for example the pin or hinge devise is different from what we believe to be an original. Does this automatically make it a fake or repo. I have seen many pieces regarded as repos based on the pin,hinge and catch assembly. Are we putting too much province in this?? When I get a medal in First check the eye appeal, weight ,measurements and of course the pin,catch and hinge,detailing ect. Just want to here some other thoughts pertaing to the hinge, pin and catch being the ultimate deciding factor.