Sorry for the late replies, my picture of the reverse of these badges came about exactly the same time as the forum chaos and I have been working like a dog again.
Number 2 the F&R, and number 4 the Aurich are the real badges. Number 1 is a fake wurster and number 3 is also a blob like fake with the lovely added maker mark.
It's an oval crimp PAB, maker unknown. There exist a very good copy of that badge but all the answers are to be found in the set-up, something we can't see clearly on the reverse pics you posted.
Thanks Al and Philippe for the clarification . I guess 2 out of 4 isn't too bad, but I have alot more PAB studying to do before I get into collecting these badges .
Guys number 3 might well be "A" blob fake but it for sure isn't "THE" blob fake
The blob fake is a very dangerous badge certainly when you only have a couple of fuzzy pics to go on, but that for sure isn't the case with this number 3 badge. Almost looks like a copy of the blob copy but completely handstyled giving it an utterly bizar appearance to say the least.
Thanks again Philippe. Is there a specific thing to look for to tell the difference between the oval crimp and a Wurster by the obverse. I have been looking at the two forever and just don't get it .
I just took some wild guesses for myself and I thought only the #1 is real, all the others (#2,3 & 4) are fakes.
But if it was said #1 is real, then I made a mistake only on 2 & 4.
But then again, I don't have any of those PAB's (I'd like one very much , but they're beyond my budget ) so guessing right on 2 items are ok for me. (50-50)
Thanks for this quiz!! (and I hope there would be more to come )