Willi studh or studt ? was born the 16/08/1925 has seth in schleswig
this job is brickayer apprentice
its recruitment office is base has neuminster
after its passage in the rad it is incorporate in stamm.gren.erz.btl.490 the 30/08/43 until 18/11/43 it bases has Heide
on 19/11/43 is integrate the gen.rgt.1023 and after the gren.rgt.1055 of 89 ID based in norvege and messenger has walking forces in Normandy has to leave of July 18th
this job is brickayer apprentice
its recruitment office is base has neuminster
after its passage in the rad it is incorporate in stamm.gren.erz.btl.490 the 30/08/43 until 18/11/43 it bases has Heide
on 19/11/43 is integrate the gen.rgt.1023 and after the gren.rgt.1055 of 89 ID based in norvege and messenger has walking forces in Normandy has to leave of July 18th