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DKiG document for discussion

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    You asked the question(s) and I gave you an answer.

    Your reply of "You can't be serious!!!!!!!" was an emphatic response, implying that my answer was way off base. Then you felt the need to condescend by telling me to "Hit them books."

    Message received.

    Perhaps next time when asking for help on a topic you clearly don't understand, you will not go out of your way to insult the person trying to help you.

    No worries though, I know exactly how I plan on avoiding this situation with you in the future.




      the document is original, so everything is right.
      since it is early SS, so it is not so surprised.
      and sometimes companie chef and companie fuhrer
      were used optionally. don't care this. and i think your mentioned
      companie fuhrer appeared in 1943. not early 1942!
      please take the time frame! and that time the SS division named 'Reich',
      not 'Das Reich', that i mean early SS, pls thinking qustions in accociation with
      the historic time frame.
      and DK BU usually occurs mistake.
      all in all, this is original.
      Last edited by Cole Bush; 07-14-2013, 09:49 PM.


        KpFhr vs KpChef

        Hi John,

        sorry for my bad English ...

        nevertheless thanks for your serious and comprehensive contributions !

        I think the question has been answered and we all can be happy now !

        Thank you very much !

        In admiration !



          Originally posted by herkules View Post
          Hi again,

          before I will go to bed ....

          please inform : what is " coy " ........

          couldn't find that term anywhere !!


          John M. Donovan has answered it...

          Originally posted by John M. Donovan View Post
          How embarrassing for you.

          If they don't mind the company, I will let our esteemed English colleagues handle this one.



          Coy is a military abbreviation (abbr.) for company. Other military abbreviations are Bde for Brigade... and so on.

          You're not serious, are you?
          Are you using secondarily sources like this one?:


          Try to use primary sources !

          A flight instructor in Texas used to say : "Hit them books" !!!

          The term Kompaniechef and/or Kompanieführer is not (!) linked to a time period. (Early or late Waffen SS)

          The terms "Kompaniechef", "Kompanieführer" and "Mit der Führung beauftragt" (M.d.F.b.) are exactly defined in german WW II (and nowadays) military regulations.

          The Kompaniechef was a position according to the KStAN (Kriegsstärke und Ausrüstungsnachweis) The holder of the KStAN position Kompaniechef must be a SS Hauptsturmführer (in most of the cases) and must have absolved the coy (company) leaders course.
          If this SS Hauptsturmführer (with KStAN position/rank + coy leaders course) was K.I.A. than, a SS Obersturmführer, SS Untersturmführer (etcetera) without KStAN rank and without coy leaders course can take over the command. In this case, the SS Obersturmführer is only a Kompanieführer, but not a Kompaniechef.

          There is a german saying:
          A Kompaniechef is Kompanieführer, too; but a Kompanieführer is not necessarily a Kompaniechef.

          In german (according to my bad english)

          Der Dienstposten Kompaniechef war eine KSTaN Stelle die durch den Dienstgrad Hauptsturmführer zu besetzen war, der einen Kompanieführerlehrgang absolviert haben musste.
          Wurde aus anderweitigen Gründen (Urlaub, Verwundung, Tod des Kp Chefs) ein anderer Dienstgrad (Obersturmführer/Untersturmführer) auf den Dienstposten gesetzt, der keinen Kompanieführerlehrgang hatte und nicht den in der KSTaN beschriebenen Dienstgrad besaß, so war er lediglich Kompanieführer.

          Originally posted by herkules View Post
          Um einen Frontalschaden zu vermeiden hier noch einmal

          ein Soldbuch Eintrag ...
          @herkules: Um einen Frontalschaden zu vermeiden: Your Soldbuch signatures are from a SS Obersturmführer. A SS Obersturmführer can`t be a Kompaniechef, he is a Kompanieführer, ever !
          (Read above, um einen Frontalschaden zu vermeiden)

          Here are some examples for Kompanieführer / Kompaniechef of the early SS Totenkopf Division. (Primary sources)
          Check the red markers:
          + SS Obersturmführer = Kompanieführer
          + SS Hauptsturmführer = Kompaniechef

          And here are some Frundsberg sources...

          Totenkopf again...

          And here is an example for a not KStAN Kommandeur. (Without the right rank and without the Kommadeurs course he is only the Führer of the II. Abteilung, but not the Kommandeur II. Abteilung. Therefor, he signed with i.V. (by proxy / per pro) for his Kommandeur in absentia.

          Best regards, Fronti

          I hope I didn`t made so much grammatical mistakes.
          If you find some mistakes, you can keep it.
          Last edited by Frontalschaden; 07-15-2013, 03:54 PM.



            For the guys of you, who can read german language...

            A short text passagee out of Herbert Maegers book "Verlorene Ehre - Verratene Treue" (Lost honor - betrayed fidelity)

            Herbert Maeger served under Max Hansen in 14./LAH, in 9./SS PzGrenRgt 1 and later on in 36. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS DIRLEWANGER.

            For those of you, who can`t understand german language: It is the same, that I wrote in #19. (Only in shortform)

            Best regards, Fronti
            Last edited by Frontalschaden; 07-20-2013, 01:03 PM.


              Hi Fronti!

              You are absolutely correct concerning the regulations (although I don't like Maeger's book as a source). On the other hand, not everything happend within the regulations... (see attachement: "Kompanie-Chef in 1942, Hauptmann in 1943).

              Kind regards, Peter
              Attached Files


                Originally posted by peterm View Post
                Hi Fronti!

                You are absolutely correct concerning the regulations (although I don't like Maeger's book as a source). On the other hand, not everything happend within the regulations... (see attachement: "Kompanie-Chef in 1942, Hauptmann in 1943).

                Kind regards, Peter
                Nice looking couple of Wehrpaß pages there Peter!


                  Originally posted by Edward View Post
                  Nice looking couple of Wehrpaß pages there Peter!
                  Thanks Eward, its also of a DKiG-winner.

                  Kind regards, Peter


                    Originally posted by peterm View Post
                    Thanks Eward, its also of a DKiG-winner.

                    Kind regards, Peter
                    Very nice then indeed!


                      Originally posted by peterm View Post
                      Hi Fronti!

                      You are absolutely correct concerning the regulations (although I don't like Maeger's book as a source). On the other hand, not everything happend within the regulations... (see attachement: "Kompanie-Chef in 1942, Hauptmann in 1943).

                      Kind regards, Peter

                      Nice WP, but where you can read "Kompaniechef" ?

                      I agree with you, that Maegers book is only a secondary source, and that there were strict regulations and that they were not ever enforced in 100%. That`s fact.

                      The term Kompaniechef / Kompanieführer is regulated in the valid
                      If the said, that a Captain have to be on the first position of the coy and a Captain is real on this place, than he is a Kompaniechef. If the said Captain and there is a Oberleutnant on this place, than he is only a Kompanieführer.

                      Have a look at a (translated into english)


                      Best regards, Fronti


                        Some examples from stellenbesetzung lists from 1945.

                        Of course an oberleutnant could and often was a Kp.Chef, in war the rules had to be flexible, especially towards the end.

                        Here from Grenadier Brigade 388 and GJR 141
                        Attached Files
                        Collecting German award documents, other paperwork and photos relating to Norway and Finland.


                          Originally posted by Simon O. View Post
                          Of course an oberleutnant could and often was a Kp.Chef, [...]

                          Yes, an Oberleutnant could be a Kompaniechef. It depends on the actual KstAN.
                          That's what I want to tell in my last postings. (It is very hard to explain with my rusty school englisch.)
                          If the KstAN said Oberleutnant, than the Oberleutnant is Kompaniechef and the Leutnant at the same position is Kompanieführer.

                          Best regards, Fronti


                            Originally posted by Frontalschaden View Post

                            Nice WP, but where you can read "Kompaniechef" ?

                            Best regards, Fronti
                            Hi Fronti!

                            Look at the left side, between "Oberleutnant 1942" and "Oberleutnant 1943", there You will find "Komp.Chef"...

                            I agree with all Your statements, just wanted to show a Wehrpaß with an entry for "Kompaniechef" for an Oberleutnant.

                            Kind regards, Peter


                              Originally posted by Frontalschaden View Post

                              Yes, an Oberleutnant could be a Kompaniechef. It depends on the actual KstAN.
                              That's what I want to tell in my last postings. (It is very hard to explain with my rusty school englisch.)
                              If the KstAN said Oberleutnant, than the Oberleutnant is Kompaniechef and the Leutnant at the same position is Kompanieführer.

                              Best regards, Fronti

                              Perhaps i misunderstand you here but as you can see from the example above from Gren.Brig 388, both chef and fuehrer are used for oberleutnante of the same unit type. Ie. An infanterie kompanie.

                              In the first years of the war you can even find majors as Kp.Chef.

                              My point is, the stipulated rank in a kstn is not the deciding factor as to whether the term chef or fuehrer is used.
                              Collecting German award documents, other paperwork and photos relating to Norway and Finland.


                                Originally posted by Simon O. View Post
                                In the first years of the war you can even find majors as Kp.Chef.
                                In the last years of the war, you can find Majors as Kompaniechef, too !
                                (Some special coys have the rank Major in the KStan)
                                But most of them wasn`t filled with a major, because there was a lack of COs. Most of them was filled by another (lower) rank. => Kompanieführer.

                                Originally posted by Simon O. View Post
                                My point is, the stipulated rank in a kstn is not the deciding factor as to whether the term chef or fuehrer is used.
                                Of course, it is !
                                The combination of both is the deciding factor.

                                If both (the KStAN rank and the actual rank of the CO at the position in front of a coy) is the same, than it is a Kompaniechef.
                                If the rank of the CO is below the rank in the KStAN, than he is a Kompanieführer !
                                (CO = comissioned officer)

                                Best regards, Fronti


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