As Nick said, the most interesting book about FJD 3 is without doubt the german book of Fritz Roppelt, ehm. Kameradshaftleiter of the division during many years. There are 699 pages. The book give many details about the fights of the FJD 3 in Düren's sector, between november and december.
Here that I can give, extracted and resumed from that book :
The 10 of november, the 3.Fj. Division is ready for action, after being reformed in Holland. On 17. 11, the division joins the Düren's northwestern sector, in order to relieve the 12. and 47.VGD on their positions in Lamersdorf - Langerwehe - Merode. FJR 5 take place between Langerwehe et Merode. The 11.Kp of your man is then commanded by Oblt. Bernhard Clausen (later Oblt. W. Wegener). During the day of 26, US troops of 1st Inf. Div. attack hardly in Langerwehe, where is the command post of FJR 5. A conter attack of I. et II./FJR 5 can stop them, at Jüngersdorf, where was located III./5. The 9. and 11. Kp. were southern and south western this town (Rothaus - Stügerloch). Later, the 11. Kp was between Merode and Jüngersdorf. These units were hardly scattered there : the 11. Kp. have 57 wounds, deads or prisonners, on 27.11. 44. 16 others men were lost on 28. At that date, this Kp. has still only 37 men.
On 29. 11, 1st US Inf. Div. attack again but is stopped with heavy "damages"(163 deads et 261 prisonners) in Merode, by a conter attack of the two bataillons, more 14. et 15./5. The III./5 doesn't fought there, because it is too weak and must take rest.
There is no main battle for the 14./5 on 9-10 december. So, your man was probably wounded during bombing. The 31b wound code confirms.
Note that the chief of the 14./5, Oblt. W. Wegener was chief of the 11. Kp. during 4 days (7 - 10 dec.).
Same course that your guy ! Perhaps not an hasard.
Here that I can give, extracted and resumed from that book :
The 10 of november, the 3.Fj. Division is ready for action, after being reformed in Holland. On 17. 11, the division joins the Düren's northwestern sector, in order to relieve the 12. and 47.VGD on their positions in Lamersdorf - Langerwehe - Merode. FJR 5 take place between Langerwehe et Merode. The 11.Kp of your man is then commanded by Oblt. Bernhard Clausen (later Oblt. W. Wegener). During the day of 26, US troops of 1st Inf. Div. attack hardly in Langerwehe, where is the command post of FJR 5. A conter attack of I. et II./FJR 5 can stop them, at Jüngersdorf, where was located III./5. The 9. and 11. Kp. were southern and south western this town (Rothaus - Stügerloch). Later, the 11. Kp was between Merode and Jüngersdorf. These units were hardly scattered there : the 11. Kp. have 57 wounds, deads or prisonners, on 27.11. 44. 16 others men were lost on 28. At that date, this Kp. has still only 37 men.
On 29. 11, 1st US Inf. Div. attack again but is stopped with heavy "damages"(163 deads et 261 prisonners) in Merode, by a conter attack of the two bataillons, more 14. et 15./5. The III./5 doesn't fought there, because it is too weak and must take rest.
There is no main battle for the 14./5 on 9-10 december. So, your man was probably wounded during bombing. The 31b wound code confirms.
Note that the chief of the 14./5, Oblt. W. Wegener was chief of the 11. Kp. during 4 days (7 - 10 dec.).
Same course that your guy ! Perhaps not an hasard.