Originally posted by ChrisJ
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I have tried to gather some recent S&L KC findings and theories and see how they could work out within the PKZ 1942 marked awards timeline.
We would need to fit the manufacturing and shipment of the “A” type crosses (unflawed and flawed frames with two different type of frosting, two different cores and two different markings) in a seamless production sequence while accepting that one particular silver mark was only found on unflawed frame assembled to one type of core. Also, one type of core only assembled to the flawed frames until the “A” type frame working die failed…. All this before January 1942.
It would easy to suggest that the “LARGE 800” marked crosses were not assembled by S&L, the contract could have been given to Deumer in 1940. This would make sense in this timeline scheme.
The 1944 PKZ order date is fictional but would give sufficient time for S&L to replace/repair the failed “A” type working die (if it had not been already done during the 42/44 waiting period). The “B” type awarded date of Nov. 1944 (very frail origin) has been put forward in this thread:
If we accept that S&L was indeed the manufacturer and assembler of all types of cores and frames, then the pre-1942 production could have been shipped in 3 groups (orders) separated by a few weeks or months;
1) First order: A shipment of LARGE 800 marked “A” types.
2) Second order: A shipment MICRO 800 marked “A” types (the frame working die is starting to show some weaknesses).
3) Third order: A shipment of MICRO 800 marked “A” types (the frame working die has failed and increasingly shows beading flaws) assembled to the new (?) dipping 3 core (replaced for unknown reasons).
The 1944 PKZ order date is fictional but would give sufficient time for S&L to replace/repair the failed “A” type.
The first appearance of the “B” type crosses in the PKZ supply is recorded in late April 1945 at the Klessheim Castle storage area.