I would appreciate your thoughts on this Steinhauer & Luck DKiG. I am fully aware of the controversy surrounding this maker , but I would like to get some comments on the packaging the cross is in, and please feel free to comment on the cross itself.<O</O
The clear cellophane type wrap is very crispy and ridged. It appears the cross inside this wrapping has been there for many of years. The packaging is marked on the backside:<O</O
"Die Herstellung von Orden und Ehrenzeichen unterliegt der Kontrolle der PräsidialKanzial. Der Hersteller ist verpflichtet, mangelhaft gelieferte Stücke gegen einwandfreien Ersatz umzutauschen."
Unfortunately, I do not read German but Google Translator says the above paragraph loosely translates to:<O</O
"The production of medals and decorations under the control of PräsidialKanzial. The manufacturer is obliged to exchange defective items delivered against proper compensation. "<O</O
Also, on the front of the packaging it appears to say, "LDO" inside a rectangular box.<O</O
Lastly, you’ll notice the red colored ring is not evenly visible around the circumference, and there is less of this red ring toward the bottom 7 and 8 o’clock position.<O</O
I would appreciate your thoughts on this cross.
Thank you
It's also important to note... there is no maker's number on the outside of the hinged pin, and I cannot see a number on the inside if the pin unless the cross comes out of its wrapping.<O</O
I would appreciate your thoughts on this Steinhauer & Luck DKiG. I am fully aware of the controversy surrounding this maker , but I would like to get some comments on the packaging the cross is in, and please feel free to comment on the cross itself.<O</O
The clear cellophane type wrap is very crispy and ridged. It appears the cross inside this wrapping has been there for many of years. The packaging is marked on the backside:<O</O
"Die Herstellung von Orden und Ehrenzeichen unterliegt der Kontrolle der PräsidialKanzial. Der Hersteller ist verpflichtet, mangelhaft gelieferte Stücke gegen einwandfreien Ersatz umzutauschen."
Unfortunately, I do not read German but Google Translator says the above paragraph loosely translates to:<O</O
"The production of medals and decorations under the control of PräsidialKanzial. The manufacturer is obliged to exchange defective items delivered against proper compensation. "<O</O
Also, on the front of the packaging it appears to say, "LDO" inside a rectangular box.<O</O
Lastly, you’ll notice the red colored ring is not evenly visible around the circumference, and there is less of this red ring toward the bottom 7 and 8 o’clock position.<O</O
I would appreciate your thoughts on this cross.
Thank you
It's also important to note... there is no maker's number on the outside of the hinged pin, and I cannot see a number on the inside if the pin unless the cross comes out of its wrapping.<O</O