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EKI SB Deschler

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    EKI SB Deschler

    I was told that this maybe a Deschler made EKI SB, as I thought it was maybe a Juncker because of the cross hatching at all corners. The photo of the arm is the 9 oclock one. Comments are welcome as always. Jim
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    I have some Deschlers 1st and 2nd class, early, late, 3 round, but no one of them has the distinctive details in common with this one, I think it 's not a Deschler.


      Not a Juncker either Jim!


        Hello Jim,
        The photo of the arm is the 12 o'clock arm and not the 9 o'clock arm. Also, it appears to be a poorly made one piece fake in my opinion with a possible original screw device on the back.


          Not 100% sure on the maker, but it is an original.
          The also come as PB


            Jim, Your silence is deafening! So looking at this one a good guess is one piece? Looks like a nice Cross of a rare type! Can We see the reverse with disks off?




              The reason I am silent is that I am traveling and will not be home until next year. The picture is of the twelve oclock arm (must have been in never never land yesterday). When I get home will bring back to top and post pictures. Have a Happy New Year. Jim


                Originally posted by WEISNER View Post
                Jim, Your silence is deafening! So looking at this one a good guess is one piece? Looks like a nice Cross of a rare type! Can We see the reverse with disks off?

                Kevin, it is a 1-piece,and they are rare.
                They also come as pinback, with a very thin round pin.


                  Yes Ben, I have seen this type on another forum in which You had a huge hand in building the Cross Data Base! And if Jim has this cross in hand? He has a super Duper Keeper! As said in life... What goes around... comes around!!!! and Jim has a good amount coming around I suspect in the following year!
                  Thanks Jim!
                  Best Regards!


                    Here's the pinback-version.
                    Pics are not good(as usual) but we hardly have any daylight at the moment.

                    I had some problems believing these crosses are authentic, because of the very thin pin and the odd " hinge" .....
                    It's the same syle as on some of the early spanish made crosses....
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                          Are you sure those are period made?, ....here is the link to 1914GC star that was made by S&L postwar and screw back system looks identical.



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                            I know of only a hand full of this particular cross, and the greater part came directly from the vet or the relatives.

                            The SB hardware is pretty identical to other (3 piece) ek's from the same period.

                            These ek's are made the same way as the 1-piece schinkels, a (most likely) brass cross, heavy silver plating and a painted core.
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