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Projects - information source :

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    Projects - information source :

    The Juncker information source and there from following 'Projects' :

    As some of the members here already know I have been lucky to obtain some very interesting information by unbelieable co-incidence that will have significant impact on this forum and for collectors world wide . It brings to light new discoveries , and new general and specific information and facts not known or recconnaise so far . It will solve some 'naging' questions and put to rest some miths and mis-information .
    First what and how did this happen .
    Doing research on a Nickle-silver measuring cup I had from my grandmother , I was trying to identify the silver mark and the other markings on the bottom of it : wmf and a small g . To do so I just went to the local mall and asked the Silversmith there . The old fellow there recconaised the wmf immediatly as : Wu'rtenburgische Metal Fabrik - but was not certain about the g . The propryetor being from Wuppertal - a town in Germany - knew a German Professor from the University/Technical Institute - . The 2 had an apprenticeship program set up . Amongst the conversation I found out that the professor was from Berlin and his dad was an Orden and Ehrenzeichen worker(forman) and Jewler apprentice in Berlin during the war . You probably guessed the company by now : yes... it was The Juncker Works in Berlin ! After the war his dad there had been hounded by collectors alot and from then on denied any connection just to have his peace . As much info I got he worked for Juncker from approximatly 1938 on up to the bombing of the plant , after which he worked as a jewler apprentice in Berlin and later on had his own little shop . Do to a birth defect - Klumpfuss = foot deformity he was exempt from active war service . In the factory he worked his way up to a coordinator/floor forman .
    The professor has a fair bit of knowledge , be it more general, and he had his reputation at the faculty to protect and normaly does not discuss anything his dad was involved with during the war . After assurance from the other Jewler that I was not a newspaper reporter etc ... only a genuine collector/researcher , he agreed to meet .Not until our first meeting did I myself find out through him about his dad connection to the Juncker factory .
    To my surprise the professor is aware of this forum and has read some postings , but will not get activly involved and post anything himself . In his words: 'Most forums are about the attrocious collecting greed and trophyism and misuse of these personly hard earned awards !!!' This one shows the most serious research /historical effort . He has some family relative that is an actual member on this forum , as much as he would reveal , I understode it to be the son of his daughter ?
    The original question I started out with were the extra markings - like the diamond mark , squares and circles etc - on L59 EK1s . I did additionaly make and have on me a lot of copies of W&L and Juncker cross closeups and S&Ls and L59s . I had a list of questions , some he answered and some he did not know . From the detailed closeup pictures of the Juncker and W&L crosses he picked out - which was which instantly and revealed starteling details about the connection between Juncker and W&L . He did call his dad in Berlin once and I was only able to meet with the Professor 2 times . Because of my interest in Juncker crosses the majority questions I had were about Juncker croses , but also included other makers W&L , Godet , S&L , aswell as Juncker bombing , Gablonz process and general manufacturing of crosses - techniques and templates , makermarks , very little about KCs and more about "UBs" . The only time I was able to break the dead seriousness of the meeting with a laugh was with the "Mother Die" and U'bergrosse question . The funniest invented exspressions he has ever heard .
    From these 2 meetings I will be presenting the results in form of various projects showing and explaning the information I had gotten in leu of actual writen war time documentation . Most of the projects will be easy to understand and are not complicated at all , some very surprizing and Juncker/ W&L project being the only more involved one !

    Items that will be covered in these projects are :
    Juncker/ W&L connection
    Cross manufacturing time line, techniques and templates
    Juncker and S&L Spanish cross and Schinkel B conflict
    U'bergross purpose what and why
    Secret manufacturer cross monograms
    The Gablonz Process

    Spin off projects as result of the above will be :
    Intermixed parts crosses
    1943 cross crisis and re-activated dies
    War and post war bead types
    RE-worked dies and flaws
    Godet and Zimmermann association

    Now some of these projects are done , others near completion and some I cannot complete on my own and require paticipation from other members as I will never be able to own all necessary crosses myself to show all types or variations - even 5 years from now - to complete the project . Starting some projects that over time will be completed as samples and or new information becomes available ! The 'T' in team work >> as a collecting comunity we can do this ! At this stage I will start to post these projects do to ever growing demand and relentless member pressure . The only reason I was sitting on this information was to have it complete as most possible and prepare it in for presentation . Do to some leaked information some new and wounderful crosses are surfacing that have been overlooked do to not being able to identify them properly . Still a lot a missing data and facts - so some new incorrect assumptions are being develop that could turn out to be more harmfull than good - which have put a new urgentcy to the projects . It never has been my intention -or do I want to see anyone get hurt ........ that said the information in the projects will not please everybody .
    The other main question right now is: Why is the professor not doing these presentations himself ? >> Well as one of the main stipulation - regretably- he will not come on the forum himself and in order to get the meetings I had to promiss to keep his identety a secret ! An unfortunate thing and I had tried so hard to change his mind - but something he absolutly would not agree to .
    At this stage all I can hope for is that the relative/family member will come forward on the forum . If he will is anyones guess . This has forced me to verify and demonstrate the facts by using the crosses themself in an explanitory fashion to demonstrate the evidence of the received information !
    Furthermore since those metings it has come to my attention that the Professor is retired now and had moved back to Berlin to be with his family and ailing father , who sadly now has passed away at age of 95 or 96 ! May his soul rest in peace !

    I am posting this information in a seperate thread to avoid having to repeat this information source with every new project and only quickly refer to it at the start . Also at this time I would like to thank all the members that have lend a hand sofar .


    Well, we're all looking forward to your presentations, Douglas. Thank you for taking the time to research and post all this information.

    I am keenly interested in any information, and especially about Godets and Ubergroße EK2s.

    If ever I can be of help to you in your presentations, please don't hesitate to contact me.

    Best regards,
    Best regards,

    Looking for ROUND BUTTON 1939 EK1 Spange cases (LDO or PKZ)


      WOW Douglas, this sound really great!!!

      I can't wait to hear/see more about all these project!

      One question so far. The information coming from these projects will answer questions, but also raise new questions at the same time. Is there a chance that you meet or communicate with the professor again to get more answers? Or is he not available anymore for further info?

      Best regards, Thomas


        Well Thomas talking to the professor probably not , ... can only hope his relative comes forward , indirectly maybe ?



          i too want to thankyou Douglas for taking alot of time & hours of researching , looking forward to your projects & if i can help in anyway don't hesitate to contact me .


            thanks for your reply Douglas.

            I also want to join the other in their comment thanking you for the work you have done

            Regards, Thomas


              Thanks , you and others have been very helpfull so far .




                This sounds fascinating... I'm really looking forward to your projects coming on-line.

                I would like also to add to the previous posts and thank you for your sterling efforts of research and also for your generosity with your time in helping and enlightening the rest of us on the forum.
                If I can offer any assistance in any way, I would be glad to help.

                Regards - Danny


                  Really very interesting, I can not wait to read all infos about these projects !!



                    I personally am greatly looking forward to these 'presentations' of information. I too offer anything I own to your work.



                      When can we expect to see some of this information/study posted? I'm especially interested in the Juncker/W&L connection.


                        I have been fortunate enough to see bits of the Juncker project Douglas forwarded Me when He was Identifing an early Junker EKII I have.
                        It will set this forum on it's Ear and is well worth the wait Gents!


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