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    The following snippet appeared in the German newspaper Die Welt on 14 March 2002.

    "Scharping agains re-instituting the Iron Cross

    Defence Minister Rudolf Scharping is against re-instituting the Iron Cross as a bravery award for German forces serving overseas. This has been revealed in a letter from the Ministry to CDU Member of Parliament Martin Homann. The letter says that the Ehrenzeichen der Bundeswehr can already be used to honour outstanding individual efforts. Homann, who is lobbying for a reintroduction of the Iron Cross, said that the government obviously wasn't ready to take such a step. However, he told Die Welt that "the Cross is definitely on its way". "

    This, from one Ulrich F. RĂ¼del (any relation?), was published in Die Welt on 20 March 2002.

    "The Iron Cross will return

    If Minister Scharping is refusing to re-institute the Iron Cross on the grounds that the Ehrenzeichen der Bundeswehr can already be used to honour outstanding individual efforts, he is undoubtedly correct. According to the regulations instituting this award, "the Ehrenzeichen der Bundeswehr can be awarded for exemplary performance of duty and outstanding individual efforts". In the past, it has often been awarded on such grounds (rescuing someone who was drowning, pulling the occupants out of a burning vehicle etc). But he fact is that you cannot tell from the award whether it was bestowed for exemplary performance of duty in day to day service, or for an outstanding individual effort. It is also a fact that there is a big difference between this and doing what is required while under enemy fire. Only a few years ago, no one would have reckoned on German forces serving on active duty out of area, so the question of an award for bravery would not have arisen. We now need a rethink. I share Herr Homann's optimistic view that the Iron Cross is on its way."

    Get in line all you Iron Cross collectors! I'm sure the "rare prototype" will appear on an ebay near you very soon.

    On a serious note, do bear in mind that the German forces in Afghanistan have already taken casualties.

    I'm all for it, and not just from a collector's standpoint. The Bundeswehr Bravery Award is for military forces, but is not a combat award - much like the KVK with Swords. The Iron Cross is exactly for that type of action - bravery above and beyond the call WHILE IN THE FACE OF THE ENEMY!

    All this "I'm sorry I'm German" stuff has run it's course! The Nazis are gone, their Government is defunct. It's time once again to be proud to be German, and to take pride in service to Germany.

    Last edited by Mike H.; 03-20-2002, 02:15 PM.




        I wonder what colors the ribbon will be. (I'd like to see them go back to black and white.)




          I'd love to see the black and white return, but that's probably asking too much. It may be black, red and yellow - as the ribbon has traditionally been of the State colors...


            In retrospect, I doubt that this fine award will ever be reinstated. To the Rest Of The World, this item is the Second Penultimate Symbol of Teutonic Agression and it would be a poor political move on Germany's part indeed if it were reinstated.

            Heck, they can always try the original prototype! It might look better with the current state tricolors....


              ... or as a nod to their new Euro-partners, why not the PLM? It satiates the teutonic need for fancy baubles to wear and has Frainch on it!


                But isn't the EK now used as an emblem on the planes of the German air force, which is still called the (Gasp!) Luftwaffe?




                  But if one were to model a current version based on the maltese decals used by the Bundeswehr and Luftwaffe they would have to start issuing wound badges as well. Wait a minute! Hhhmmmmm.....


                    Good point, George!

                    The Iron Cross is the current emblem of the Deutsche Bundeswehr - it's on its planes, tanks and boats! It's the international military symbol of Germany...

                    Germany reunited and the world survived. Germany moved her capital from Bonn to Berlin, and the world survived. But the reissuance of a 189-year-old award should be taboo?

                    Germany has in excess of a 2,000 year history, but continues to be defined by 12 years.moremad I don't wish to minimalize the tragedy of that 12 years, nor ignore its horrors - but if German history is to be remembered, what about the other 1,988+ years?
                    Last edited by Mike H.; 03-20-2002, 05:48 PM.


                      Damn Mike do you have an opinion on the subject?

                      I agree....

                      The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.


                        If you want to remember German history, the fact is: they didn't become a nation until a lot more recently than 1988+ years ago. Up until then they fought just as much amongst themselves as they have with other nations AFTER they became a nation. I'm not taking sides ( I am a hardcore collector of EKs) but I am a pragmatist. Just trying to inject a bit of perspective into the 'realpolitik' of this subject.

                        The EK was instituted at a time when Germany and Britain were both fighting against a common enemy (France). It seems that this award has come full circle, as the two countries are once again united against a common threat. Even this being the case (I, for one, am all for it) I doubt that the EK will be reinstituted.
                        Last edited by Eric Stahlhut; 03-20-2002, 06:02 PM.


                          I was wondering why I seemed so much taller in here. Didn't realize I had stepped on my soapbox...

                          I didn't mention anything about a 'nation.' In fact, going back 1,988+ years, the only 'nation' would be Roman. But the Germanic peoples who inhabited what we now know as Germany is what I refer to. People war, not just Germans (or Germanic 'nations'). Look at England, the Mongal hoards, the US in fact - who without war wouldn't exist.

                          Whatever the final outcome of our discussion here, German politicoes will do what they will. I'm just tired of Germany hanging her head in shame for what amounts (time-wise) to a drop in the ocean of a 2,000+ year history. For all of the things Germany has to be proud of, the World only remembers 12 years...
                          Last edited by Mike H.; 03-20-2002, 06:06 PM.


                            I'm taking bets that fake 2002 EK's show up on Epier before the first real one is issued.


                              THE IRON CROSS GET MY VOTE

                              The Iron Cross was instituted by Frederick The Great in 1813. It was the national order for bravery in the face of an armed enemy of the Reich. It was re-instituted first in 1870, again in 1914, again in 1939 by the Third Reich under Hitler, and finally again in 1957. I think that to preserve the legacy of Germany it should be re-instituted. That is if such a need for an award for bravery in the face of an armed enemy faces the German nation again.


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