While I understand that one should ask before purchasing I wouldn't pay for anything I later found out to be fake, and being sold as an original. Two wrongs don't make a right, but in this sense the seller is wrong and not the buyer who is backing out.
I would still say it all depends of the add. If there's nothing saying that it was original, and it was not in anyway hinted that it was original, than I would say the seller i bound to buy it.
Ilearn that i shuld ask before i punch the button,i hope you are happy now Don
I'm never happy to see a fellow collector get burned. I also believe that you only really own one thing in this world, your word. No one can take it from you and you are only as good as your word. Everything else is fleeting. You have gotten something for your money- a hard earned lesson on what to do before you commit your word to buy. Study, ask questions, post for opinions and learn.