Thankyou Gents!,so nice to get these lovely comments
Sadly a couple of the frames got damaged in transit and couple of expensive anti uv panes of glass will have to be replaced
I will post some more Frames tomorrow.
The GAB is the 4 rivit type,a good one not the "A" for Assmann fake and the IAB looks to be a very heavy tombac construction but i'll post these in the correct forum.
All the very best to you all
Thankyou Gents!,so nice to get these lovely comments
Sadly a couple of the frames got damaged in transit and couple of expensive anti uv panes of glass will have to be replaced
I will post some more Frames tomorrow.
The GAB is the 4 rivit type,a good one not the "A" for Assmann fake and the IAB looks to be a very heavy tombac construction but i'll post these in the correct forum.
All the very best to you all