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Luftwaffe Qualification Badge Cases

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    Luftwaffe Qualification Badge Cases


    This is a topic I don't recall seeing referred to much at all, in references or previously on the forum. It seems that every second or third LW badge you see comes cased and as the case adds around 25% of the value of the badge, this seems like a topic worth discussing!

    The topic is - how to determine if a Luftwaffe Qualification Badge Case is a reproduction.

    I've loaded a composite image of a Luftwaffen=Fliegerfchutzen=Abzeichen etui that arrived the other day. For the record, the badge in it is a textbook tombak Juncker marked example and the price I paid was, in my mind, basically for the badge so the case owes me nothing. Also, for the record, the case came in this condition - I'm not in the habit of ripping things apart out of curiosity!

    I profess to not knowing too much about cases (LW in particular), although from Iron Cross cases I have a good idea of what to look for. Although the case in question appears genuinely well worn , personally I am suspect of it for the following reasons;

    - The insert and the lower section of the case are made from a light to medium GREY coloured cardboard whereas the cases that I am 100% sure of are made from cream or light yellow cardboard. This grey cardboard has a moderate response to UV light.
    - The insert comprises two pieces of this grey cardboard which are stuck together to build up the thickness of the insert, rather than a single piece of heavily pressed and moulded cardboard that I am used to seeing.
    - The glue, although being yellowish and crazed in one section, is a lot lighter in colour compared to the dark yellowish brown horsehair glue I am used to seeing on known genuine cases. The response of the glue under UV light is similar in colour but more subdued than the darker glue on original cases.
    - The velvet flocking has no texture/pattern whereas known genuine velvet flocking tends to run in lines (ie, have a pattern associated with it - sorry, not a good description).
    - On the reverse of the velvet flocking there is a translucent "plasticky" material (compostion unknown) which I assume was used to adhere the velvet to the cardboard insert (no UV response). This is highlighted by the green pointer.
    - The insert on the upper lid (which is still firmly in place but not pictured) only has slight give to it but does not feel like there is a thick silk padding behind it. There are also some large dents in it and, in the past, someone has scratched it firmly and these scratches have left indentations.

    Other points of interest/comments are that the hinge is made from brass (non-magnetic). The push-button catch assembly is made from steel (ie attracts a magnetic). A thread from the blue silk hinge fabric burnt rapidly and cleanly leaving no hard globule. The writing on the lid is gold and appears to be in a known correct form for this type of badge. It is not inconceivable that the insert has been removed, reglued and then removed again.

    I hope this topic raises some interesting response. Whether the case is genuine or a repro I certainly hope to learn something. So please comment! If you think/know the case is a repro, what are the dead-giveaway signs?

    Mike K


    Evaluate the item, not the story and not the seller's reputation!

    If you PM/contact me without the courtesy of using your first name, please don't be offended if I politely ignore you!

    For me the case is a copy.
    I don't like the grey cardboard and I don't like the non-cracked glue.
    Most of the time the glue of originals is cracked and (dark)yellowish/brown.
    In the early collecting years it was pretty hard to find Flyers cases and if found they weren't expensive and some collectors even don't wanted them anyway.
    The last couple of years prices and the demand for cased badges went up way too high(in my opinion).
    I've seen some pretty good "old" cases.
    There are too much cased badges nowadays,so a lot of those cases must be and certainly are copies.
    Lots of tricks are done to make them look old,not only the outside but even the inside sometimes looks old by leaving them opened in the sun with the or a badge still in it.
    They even give them an "old" smell by putting them between old stuff for a year or so.
    I know a dealer who mostly sells "real"copies of badges and cases for lots of money.
    He has a barn at his house that's pretty wet inside,the man buys all kinds of copies,throws them in the barn for a couple of years and unfortunately he has lots of customers buying all that stuff.
    The asking price for a Flyersbadge case is about more than $ 100.- at the moment,but I think many people get burned with these the last years.


      Hi Mike

      This case it has for some aspects characteristics typical of the original ones, but also some perplexities.
      The old looking in general and the writings are good, enough to say that can be original, coloured cardboard inside it is not symptom of copy because it was rarely used in the case (I have a case "FRONTFLUGSPANGE FUER KAMPFFLIEGER GOLD" containing big cardboard some millimeters and coming from a serious German seller but brown colour), but the old aspect cannot certainly be symptom of construction during the war and that small strip of glue I don't like at all ( it can perhaps have been subsequently put for gluing the pieces without foreseeing the damage that has caused).
      Surely the touch and seen the colors of the cloths to the natural light can help a lot to give a verdict (the silk under the cover is tendente to the violet one? ).
      I am noticing that on the lapel of the blue cloth that covers the cardboard it almost seems "crush." If it is so it can have been "crush" from a powerful person modern glue, not used in WWII, but it can have been put later.

      unfortunately Mike I am not able to give a good judgment, but I would not be so pessimistic, they correspond so many original characteristics.

      Ivan Bombardieri


        I agree Mike, it is a good topic,
        I will go to my cases and come back later with my observations of what I suppose original..
        But, the first step is:
        All cases for Flying Qualification badges of the LW (including clasps) have a golden writing, except oberver badges which have a silver one - personal observations, not to be considered as a rule.
        Also, I believe that early case can go up to 50% of the value of the badge.
        Collection :


          Good post! I've got five cases, all of which "came with" the badge that I was buying, so I've never really sweated the cases too much. The only case that I thought MIGHT be real is shown below. However, after reading this post and doing a little research, I think it also might be a fake.

          GOOD(?) points:
          1) This case is finished in a fabric (woven with threads). The other cases I have are finished in blue, textured paper.

          2) The lower velvet lining is "ribbed" - not the plain felt type as mentioned above.

          3) The upper inner lining is padded underneath so that it has a soft, "pillowed" feel.

          BAD(?) points:
          1) The hinge and push-button catch assemblies are all MAGNETIC.

          2) The writing on the case is missing the word "Luftwaffen".

          3) The writing looks gold. In his book, Angolia says it should be in silver.

          This is a good topic. I hope we can get more info about what to look for in an authentic case.
          Visit my Badge Collection:


            Letters have to be GOLD - silver is only for observer (and not often), I am not (hopfully) Angolia, you can trust me on this one.
            Just to have "Flugzeugführerabz." is ok, look at Niemann's update - The point is, like everything else you have pre-war, war time and late war quality AND writing.
            Before it goes to paranoia, I have checked 10 cased pilot badges and 10 cased clasps -
            5 of each category (coincidence) are magnetic
            The main factor is that some of them were given to me, bougth in groups 10 years ago (when cases were not adding to the price) - and from them I find both magnetic and non magnetic.
            BUT, this topic has my main interest as I take Joss warning seriously.
            The biggest problem is that we (including me) want to recognize fakes, but I assume that the first step is to recognize originals first.
            Do we have a volonteer for an article?

            [ 08 December 2001: Message edited by: François SAEZ ]
            Collection :


              Hi Lorenzo,

              Of the 2 other LW cases I have, one one them is exactly like yours and I don't really have any doubts about it's authenticity as it has the yellow cardboard inside, among other things. My example is for an early Observer badge (C.E. Juncker marked badge, first pattern wreath), the highly abbreviated description "Beobachter" is in gold. It is nothing like the case I've posted images of above.

              François, I fully agree that the key is to understand variations in known originals before determining if a case is genuine or repro. I won't be offereing to write this article though - in this case it would be like the visually impaired leading the totally blind!

              Mike K

              PS: to Jos, the yellow glue is cracked on the case I posted pics of, it just doesn't show up in those images. The large streaks of glue appear to be different to the thinly applied and darker glue that is cracked on my questionable case. However, cracking is not as well developed compared to cases which have the dark yellow/brown glue and that I know are genuine.

              [ 09 December 2001: Message edited by: Mike K ]

              [ 09 December 2001: Message edited by: Mike K ]

              Evaluate the item, not the story and not the seller's reputation!

              If you PM/contact me without the courtesy of using your first name, please don't be offended if I politely ignore you!


                You are not going to be alone to write this article - I already work on 3 other articles, but will give all the support necessary, like Lorenzo, Jos and other .... as usual for the best articles, it will be a team work.
                The point is that we need a "leader" here to start, somebody who will collect various info from everybody and put them in form - not writiing an article alone.
                This person will start with a blank page, and WE (I believe the LW collectors on this forum to be the best ones) will work together.
                We are only missing a head for this article and this can not be me but one of you.
                Being passive is to read this article and wait for somebody to do the work
                Being active is to answer to this posting, asking questions, showing pics .....
                Being pro-active is to produce something usable by everybody.
                If we are not working together, forgery will win - lets try to be all pro-active together.

                So, who will "jump" ?
                Collection :


                  I post some URL's of a Observers case with the silver letters I have in my collection.
                  I believe this to be a genuine case.
                  Look at the glue and look at the pressed cardboard insert,it is numbered as well.
                  The push-button is made of copper-plated iron.
                  I think this is a mid-or late war case.
                  If the URL's will not open,try to copy and paste them in a new window,if this still won't work interested people can mail me for pics.


                  [ 10 December 2001: Message edited by: wespennest ]



                    I have a few cases that I'll get some pics of. I'll have to borrow a friends camera, so it might be a few days before you see anything.

                    I'll also provide some close-up shots of my Spanish Crosses for your new article.


                    Interested in hand-stitched EM/NCO LW insignia and cuff-titles
                    Decorations of Germany


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