On Sunday I had the previledge of being a guest at a meeting of the Hawaii Chapter of the Korean Vietnam Veterans Association. I was invited by a friend of the national president and was very impressed. I was the only American veteran there and was happy that I wore my Ranger cap, for I would have looked out of place it I did not.
Over a 12 year period Korea sent over 312,000 troops to fight in Vietnam and suffered a loss of over 4600 KIA.
Most of the Veterans that have emigrated to the US are now productive citizens in the cities where they live. Many are suffering from the effects of Agent Orange and are having difficulty in obtaining help due to the fact that they are not citizens of Korea, and the fact that they were not in the US Army.
Having spent 18 months on the DMZ and 2 years in Vietnam I am very familiar with the Korean army, and personally considered them the best
ground forces that fought in Vietnam. Seeing them with their Vietnam Veterans hats and how straight and proud they looked as the national anthems of both countries were played made me proud of my part Korean heritage.
It was a a great experience to have attended.
Over a 12 year period Korea sent over 312,000 troops to fight in Vietnam and suffered a loss of over 4600 KIA.
Most of the Veterans that have emigrated to the US are now productive citizens in the cities where they live. Many are suffering from the effects of Agent Orange and are having difficulty in obtaining help due to the fact that they are not citizens of Korea, and the fact that they were not in the US Army.
Having spent 18 months on the DMZ and 2 years in Vietnam I am very familiar with the Korean army, and personally considered them the best
ground forces that fought in Vietnam. Seeing them with their Vietnam Veterans hats and how straight and proud they looked as the national anthems of both countries were played made me proud of my part Korean heritage.
It was a a great experience to have attended.