Is that a double habaki?
Never seen a double habaki on a showato
May we have some more photos?
Yes no problem will take them in natural light in the morning. Anything in particular I need to get good close ups of? Thank you for helping me with this. I really need to know what I have here.. Johnno.
Its sure looks like a double habaki with gold folio or polished brass.
Can someone tell me what a double Habaki means? Can you tell me your opinion on the age of the blade? Thanks in advance for any help here identifying this blades age definitively.. Johnno.
Can someone tell me what a double Habaki means? Can you tell me your opinion on the age of the blade? Thanks in advance for any help here identifying this blades age definitively.. Johnno.
A double-habaki is a two-piece habaki [blade collar]. The common wisdom was that they appear on well-made blades. At they write about the double habaki:
...The Edo Period changed this custom to one in which single habaki were put on shinto swords and double habaki on koto swords....
I do not know if that statement is factually correct.
Next to a standard habaki, the next most common found is the double habaki. If it was 18 ca. gold with a cut out family crest it would likely be a special blade. It was common for sword polishers to order a new habaki for a blade they worked on. They would usually use the same artisan and same form of habaki.
This is an excellent example of judgement of a Japanese sword from poor pictures very difficult. It would be unusual to find a double habaki on a Showato. The pictures of the nakago were incomplete and the yasurimei or file marks looked very crisp which would indicate a newer blade. Unfortunately, non sword collectors take pictures of the unimportant. A hands on by an experience collector should be able to make a conclusive opinion in seconds.