Hello, i recently purchased this helmet. And is there anyone know what is this helmet?
The helmet is made from aluminium.
The weight is approximately 100-250 gr.
It's got 12 holes.
There's some remain of black paint.
The paint is in single layer.
And there's also some remain of duct tape.
And in case if you wondering, i got this in my hometown of solo in indonesia.
Is this a military helmet? A para-military helmet? Or a civilian helmet.
Thank you in advance.
The helmet is made from aluminium.
The weight is approximately 100-250 gr.
It's got 12 holes.
There's some remain of black paint.
The paint is in single layer.
And there's also some remain of duct tape.
And in case if you wondering, i got this in my hometown of solo in indonesia.
Is this a military helmet? A para-military helmet? Or a civilian helmet.
Thank you in advance.